Kids 14k Gold Genuine Birthstone Earrings

When I was a little girl, I wanted nothing more than to get my ears pierced. I loved all the earrings my friends were wearing. So, at age 7, I did. And I never looked back! I have more piercings in my ears, 3 in each. I love it. When I was a kid, I could only wear 14k gold earrings. As I’ve gotten older, I’m able to wear other metals.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary pair of KidsGold – 4k Gold Genuine Birtstone Earrings as a thank you for posting. All opinions are my own.

Our son got his ear pierced when he was 10, our oldest daughter has her ears pierced and now, our other 2 want theirs done. Taking care of piercings is a big responsibility, especially in the beginning, as they heal. Clay and I don’t have a set age requirement for when we allow the kids to get their ears pierced. We both feel it depends more on their maturity level and each child is different. So that means different ages for each child.

Both of our younger daughters have been begging to get their ears pierced for several months, now. I feel like they’re both ready to handle it. The older of the two recently had a birthday so I got her a pair of kids 14k gold genuine birthstone earrings. If you’re going to get your ears pierced, you need a pretty pair of birthstone earrings!

KidsGold -14k for Kids - kids 14k gold earrings

The ones we got are from an online store called KidsGold -14k for Kids. It’s what they specialize in so I felt confident that I was getting something that would be gentle in her ears. And it says the birthstones are genuine Once her ears have healed the 6 weeks from piercing, she’ll have a pretty pair of genuine birthstones to wear!

KidsGold 14k for Kids earrings come in a pretty little jewelry box with a small gift bag. The jewelry ships within a couple business days of ordering. They arrived really quickly too!

KidsGold -14k for Kids - kids 14k gold earrings

When I was little I lost one of my little Peridot birthstone earrings my mom had gotten me. I was devastated. The posts on these are good and long and the backings seem to stay on really tight so I don’t have to worry about it coming loose and falling out of her ear.

I can’t wait to see these 14k gold genuine birthstone earrings in her little ears!

They have other styles of 14k gold earrings, too, including hoops, as well as bracelets and necklaces.

A 20% Off Store-Wide Sale will be offered exclusively to my readers from Nov.1 – Dec. 31, 2016. The coupon code to be used at checkout is: USFG20
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KidsGold –14k for Kids DISCOUNT:

KidsGold -14k for Kids - kids 14k gold earrings

I scored y’all a 20% off discount!

Just in time for Holiday Gift-Giving!
KidsGold –14k for Kids is excited to offer their entire collection of 14k Gold Children’s Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets and Rings at a 20% Discount Store-Wide! There is no limit to the amount purchased!

Simply enter the coupon code USFG20 at check-out and receive 20% Off your entire order! *
All items come with Gift Box, Tote + Free Shipping!
Go to and enjoy shopping and saving today!
*Does not apply to already reduced items.

This item is listed on our 2016 Holiday Gift Guide!

Are your kids ears pierced? What type of earrings do they like to wear?

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