While we are not Jewish, nor were our family members, personally, affected by the Holocaust, we try to learn as much as we can about that horrible time in human history. My heart aches inside when I hear stories from families that were personally affected. I can’t wrap my mind around such hate and evil. It is hard to imagine what those people went through! One of our daughters actually has a course on the Holocaust and wants to learn as much as she can about it. When we were recently reached out to regarding a new book: Survivors of the Holocaust: True Stories of Six Extraordinary Children by Kath Shackleton (Sourcebooks), we jumped at the chance to check it out!
We received a complimentary copy of Survivors of the Holocaust as a thank you for sharing. All opinions are our own. Affiliate links have been used in this post.

Included in the back is information on what happened to each survivor, a Holocaust glossary, illustrated timeline, and online resources for Holocaust education.

Since our daughter has such in interest in the Holocaust (affiliate link), I turned to her to help with this article. She read the book, cover to cover, in less than an hour. I asked her opinion and would like to share it with you.
What is your overall impression of the Survivors of the Holocaust book?
C: I really like the way it is laid out. It tells each persons story individually and not just as one, big story.

This book has a comic book feel to it. Do you like the styling of the book?
C: I really like the styling. The comic book style makes it really easy to read and follow along.
Did the stories reach you on a personal level?
C: They did. It is so sad reading these stories and knowing they were true. It made me very sad.
Did this book make you want to learn more about the Holocaust and the families affected by it?
C: It does make me want to learn more about the Holocaust. It is such a sad time in History but this book makes me want to hear more stories from survivors and family members.
Did this book teach you lessons about humanity?
C: This book showed me that we need to be kind to everyone. It doesn’t matter what we look like or how we believe. We’re all human and we all deserve to be treated with kindness.
Would you recommend this book to your friends?
C: Yes. It would be a good book to share with my Holocaust class too.
These true stories can also “help kids understand the true impact of childhood separations from their families, the chilling prospect of never seeing your family members again and can help engage them in discussions about current events on immigration in our country today”
——————————————————————————(School Library Journal).

Purchase your copy: (affiiate link)
I’d like to thank our daughter for helping with this article and for taking time to answer questions about the book. I’m extremely proud of my children for wanting to learn more about history.
If you’re looking for a Holiday gift that teaches your children, this one is a must have!