After By Anna Todd #AfterSaga @One2OneNetwork

Disclosure: I participated in the After by Anna Todd blog program as a member of One2One Network. I received compensation but all opinions are my own.

Have you ever thought about writing your own book series? What about writing it on your phone? As a blogger, I’ve often used my smartphone or iPad to begin drafting on a blog post. But I can’t say I’ve ever considered writing a book on one. That’s just what author Anna Todd did though.

Anna Todd used her phone to work on her writing hobby. In the end she had accomplished a four book series, After. She wrote the whole thing on her phone using an app called Wattpad, a free social reading and writing app. She would publish a new installment of her book every couple of days using that app. That story has been viewed… get ready for this… more than a BILLION times! That’s downright insane! I wish I had that many views on an article! After will be a series and the first installment, published by Simon & Schuster, went on sale October 21, 2014.

Anna Todd is known for being a One Direction fan. Not just any fan but an überfan. She’s so much of a fan, in fact, that one of her characters is inspired by One Direction singer, Harry Styles.

About the Book:

The book is about a girl named Tessa who has one of those relationships that is on one minute and off the next. Then back on again. Her love is the 1D inspired character, Hardin Scott.

The After series tells the story of Tessa Young, an optimistic freshman at Washington State University, and the dark, troubled British bad boy who has stolen her heart.

About The Author:

Anna Todd is a 25 year old gal from Texas. Her husband is in the military and has been deployed three times to Iraq. Talk about stressful! She would write her story using the Wattpad app while she was out and about. I’d say you could get quite a bit of writing done while sitting at a Dr.’s office!

Anna Todd on Wattpad as Imaginator1D
Twitter: @Imaginator1Dx
Instagram: @Imaginator1D


About Wattpad:

Mobile: The Wattpad app allows you to read and share stories from your phone, tablet or computer.

Social: Wattpad is totally social. Authors and their readers work on a story together. Commenters can share plot suggestions in the comments section as well as through messages, They can also create original art/music to go along with the stories they’ve read. Anna Todd used Wattpad, Instagram and Twitter to share photos, videos, songs, and art created by readers.

There are more than 80 million free stories are available on Wattpad through over 40 million users.

The Rest Of The Series

Buy After By Anna Todd:

You can purchase After by Anna Todd from Barnes & Noble and for your e-reader.
Barnes & Noble: | E-reader:



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