BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages with QUILTVENT Technology #HealthyValue Sams Club

I take my first aid kit very seriously. I use a large cooler bag for my first aid kit and I try to think of everything one might ever need in an emergency situation. But it needs restocking. Mostly it needs bandages. I have some pitiful bandages I got at the $1 Tree that won’t even stick. Seriously, they DON’T STICK. Not even when you first put them on. They just fall off. That was TOTALLY NOT a bargain when they don’t work.

There really are some things where “you get what you pay for” and this is one of those things. So in this case go name brand or not at all, in my opinion. I want BAND-AIDS! I saw some BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages with QUILTVENT Technology at Walmart which reminded me that I had ALSO seen them at Sam’s Club. We are going on vacation next week. (I know I talk about that a lot but I’m excited!) Anyway, we are going on vacation and we like to go to Sam’s Club to get the meat and food for the cabin. So I knew I wanted to look there to re-stock my first aid kit.



Sam’s Club has them! There are 180 made up of 5 different boxes for $8.80. For BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages with QUILTVENT Technology that is a GREAT deal! By buying them here in such a large quantity, I can refill my first aid kit and have some left for re-stocking and save money. I ALWAYS buy in bulk if it is going to save me some cash for other things. And since this is a name brand product, you can’t beat the price on this bulk purchase. It really is a #HealthyValue !

Included in this box is one 100 ct box of regular flexible bandages, a 20 ct box of Winnie the Pooh, 20 ct box of Tough Strips with QUILTVENT Technology, 20 ct box of WATERPROOF Tough Strips with QUILTVENT Technology and a 20 ct box of Flexible Fabric with QUILTVENT Technology for knuckle and fingertip.

The QUILTVENT Technology is awesome too. The padding is literally quilted. The quilting helps wick away blood from the wound and aid in healing. In my opinion, this also helps keep it from sticking to your wound. At least that is what I’ve noticed so far. And the flexible fabric is really comfortable and stays on!!! Because, really, what good is a bandage that falls off the second you put it on. NONE! That doesn’t help with proper wound care. You need it to actually STAY ON!

Fast Facts from BAND-AID Brand:
BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages with QUILTVENT Technology:

  • Creates air channels for superior breathability
  • Wicks away blood to keep wounds clean
  • A covered wound heals faster than an uncovered one.

As I mentioned, I take my first aid kit very seriously. I get made fun of for it…. until someone needs something from it. Then it’s like “Oh Wow, Crystal, that’s so awesome. You have EVERYTHING in there!” see, then I’m a rockstar!

I have pretty much anything you’d need in there! I have BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages with QUILTVENT Technology, of course, OTC medicines for tummy trouble, Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen for both adults and kids, OTC allergy medication (Claritin), Hydrogen Peroxide in a handy dandy spray bottle for little ones cuts and scrapes, alcohol prep pads, a sling and ace bandage from when our daughter sprained her wrist, thermometer, cotton balls, instant ice pack, Boogie Wipes for runny noses. I have gauze pads, hand sanitizer, itch spray and antibiotic ointment. Like I said, pretty much everything. I have it all in a large, red, cooler bag that I got in the sporting goods department of Walmart. It was less than $10. I like it better than pre-filled first aid kits because I can put the brands in that I want and I can add to it. Those little first aid boxes you buy just don’t have room. Our first aid kit goes everywhere we go so I always have it just in case.

Everything pictured above is in our kit. All of it. And there is still room for anything else I think we might need. We’re going hiking in the Smoky Mountains in a couple days. I want to make sure I’m prepared so there are a couple more things I’m going to add in there. Things that I can take out and put in the little kit I keep in my hiking/hydration pack. I have a small fist aid kit to go in there. I’m still working on it.

Here is our First Aid Kit Featuring BAND-AID Brand Adhesive Bandages with QUILTVENT Technology:

I have a Google + Story showing our entire shopping trip. Be sure to check it out!

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Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric Community. I have been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and BAND-AID Brand #CBias #SocialFabric. All opinions are my own.

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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