Better Breathing: Six Tips To Keep Your Sinuses Healthy

Are you dealing with a sudden headache, facial discomfort, a runny nose, and nasal stuffiness? While these symptoms could be indicative of a common cold, they might also point to the possibility of a sinus infection.

Sinusitis, which is another name for a sinus infection, most likely results from a prior cold. Healthy sinuses play a vital role in humidifying inhaled air and trapping potentially harmful particles like allergens and microbes. However, when thick mucus or fluid builds up in the sinuses, it creates an environment conducive to bacterial or viral infections.

It’s worth noting that 60-70% of individuals with sinusitis don’t require antibiotics for sinusitis. However, it’s important to change your lifestyle and adopt natural cures and good eating habits to protect yourself against viral or bacterial infections.

Read on to find six tips on how to keep your sinuses healthy during the cold season.

1. Try Nasal Irrigation

Nasal irrigation, commonly referred to as nasal rinsing or nasal lavage, is a simple and effective method for moisturizing and cleaning the nasal passages. This practice involves flushing a saline solution through your nasal passages to remove irritants, allergens, mucus, and other impurities. It’s a traditional remedy that has become a common treatment because of its capacity to ease congestion, lessen sinus symptoms, and encourage better breathing.

It can be done through various devices, like:

  • Nasal Spray: Pre-made nasal sprays are available over the counter to maintain nasal health as they deliver a fine mist of saline into the nasal passages.
  • Neti Pot: This is a small, teapot-like container with a long spout that you can use to cleanse your nasal passages by passing the saline solution through one nostril and out the other.
  • Bulb Syringe: These are typically used for infants and young children.

2. Stay Away from Irritants

The toxic substances in cigarette smoke irritate and inflame the nasal passages and sinuses, making people more prone to sinus infections and allergies. Quitting smoking is the most effective way to protect your sinuses and overall health, and avoiding exposure to secondhand smoke is equally essential.

Your sinuses are seriously threatened by air pollution, which comprises particulate matter, chemicals, and allergens. It can lead to chronic sinus difficulties as well as respiratory problems. Consider purchasing air purifiers for your house to lessen exposure, particularly if you live in a region with high pollution levels and remain indoors on days when the air quality is poor.

Lastly, indoor allergens like dust mites, pet dander, and mold can negatively influence the health of your sinuses. As a result, it’s important to keep your home clean and allergen-free by regularly cleaning, using air filters, and managing your pets.

3. Include Red Pepper in Your Diet

Consuming foods seasoned with a touch of red pepper can aid sinus clearance and reduce conditions that foster bacterial growth in the nasal area. Specifically, chili peppers contain a compound known as capsaicin, which can cause nasal discharge and relieve nasal congestion when ingested.

When you eat meals that include hot peppers, you feel the heat because of capsaicin. In addition to strengthening your immune system, this substance can help lessen pain and inflammation in your nasal passages.

4. Perform Steam Therapy

Steam Therapy involves inhaling warm, moist air to alleviate congestion, open the nasal passages, and promote better breathing. The mechanics behind steam therapy are relatively simple. When you inhale steam, several beneficial processes occur.

  • It hydrates and soothes the mucous membranes, which can become irritated and inflamed, by supplying the dry sinuses and nasal passages with much-needed moisture.
  • Helps to thin thickened mucus, making it easier for your body to expel. This is particularly helpful during bouts of colds, allergies, or sinus infections when mucus buildup can be a significant issue.
  • Last but not least, the warmth of the steam has a vasodilating effect, which means it aids in enlarging the blood vessels in your nasal passages. This dilation improves airflow and alleviates congestion, making breathing easier and more comfortable.

How to Use Steam Therapy?

Boil the water first, then turn off the heat. Be careful to avoid burning yourself. Put the heated water in a large bowl. Optionally, add a few drops of essential oils like eucalyptus or menthol for congestion relief. Place your face over the bowl while wearing a towel over your head to create a steam tent. Take deep breaths for 10-15 minutes to widen nasal passageways, thin mucus, and ease inflammation. After that, gently blow your nose to remove loose mucus and make breathing easier.

5. Wash Hands Frequently

Sinus infections are predominantly caused by viruses. Practicing excellent hand hygiene and limiting exposure to people with colds or upper respiratory infections is crucial to avoid contracting these viruses.

Handwashing thoroughly and frequently is an effective preventative measure. As per recommendations by the CDC, please wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water. Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol can also be a good option in circumstances when soap and water are not easily accessible.

By adhering to these recommendations, you can significantly decrease your chance of catching the viruses that frequently cause sinus infections, improving respiratory health in general.

6. Exercise Regularly

Exercise has a considerable positive impact on sinus congestion and associated problems, in addition to improving your general health. Physical activity increases blood flow to many body parts, including the nasal passages. It is easier to breathe due to the improved circulation, which also helps to clear congestion and widen the nasal passages.

If you lead an active lifestyle, you’re more equipped to fight off microorganisms that might cause sinus problems. It’s crucial to remember that you don’t need to work out hard to reap the rewards; even moderate activities like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming can help to maintain sinus health.


Healthy sinuses are essential for better breathing and overall well-being. You can take proactive measures to maintain and enhance your sinus health by paying attention to these six suggestions. To relieve sinus congestion and discomfort, try to control allergies, practice hand washing and steam therapy, and consider nasal irrigation and other natural treatments. To ensure better health, seek expert advice if issues continue. You can benefit from improved breathing and a greater living standard by implementing these practices.

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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