Do you ever wish you could quickly and easily boost your energy or even just brighten your mood? Maybe you’re feeling a bit blue on a rainy day or just crabby or tired. A simple essential oil blend can do just that. Aromatherapy can instantly brighten your mood and add a little Sunshine blend on the dark days or even give you a boost of energy, naturally.
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I LOVE using citrusy, uplifting blends like Sunshine Blend from Rocky Mountain Oils in my handheld personal diffuser, in an inhaler tube, as a roll-on and even in a diffuser in my house or as a room spray. The first 3 ways are portable so I can boost my mood on the go!
Our oldest daughter will be graduating highschool this month so I plan to make a Sunshine Blend roll-on and an inhaler to help fight back the (happy) tears. I’ll probably use it in my personal and car diffusers too!
For a room spray: simply combine 3 TBSP high proof alcohol (I use Everclear) and 20 drops oil into a 2 oz glass or PET plastic spray bottle. Shake a little to mix and allow the oils to immerse into the alcohol. Then top with 3 TBSP distilled water. Shake before use. Spray your bed linens or into the room for an uplifting aroma. Do not use around pets, especially cats. This mixture will last a few weeks due to the water. To last longer, you can use all alcohol. The alcohol smell will evaporate, leaving the fragrance of the oils behind. I prefer an alcohol/water mix, personally.
For a roller-bottle: add 10 drops Sunshine blend to a 10ml roller bottle. Top with fractionated coconut oil or almond oil (or carrier oil of choice). Add cap and shake to use Apply to pule points on wrists and neck, etc.
CAUTION: citrus oils are phototoxic so use with caution or avoid using in visible areas if you will be in the sun. Phototoxicity increases your risk of sunburn. I use this mostly when I’ll be indoors and an inhaler when outside.
As with any product, supplement, etc, ALWAYS use with caution, do research and consult your doctor before use! Use at your own risk. Discontinue use and seek medical attention if any adverse reactions occur. Essential oils are VERY concentrated, do absorb into the bloodstream and some may interfere with certain medications and health conditions. For instance, I have high blood pressure and need to be careful when using rosemary essential oil.
So, please, do your research before use and use with caution. With that said, essential oils can be an amazing addition to your health and wellness and natural home. This is in no way intended to be used as medical advice and we cannot be held responsible for your use or results. The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.We are not doctors and this is not to be considered medical advice.

Sunshine Blend is back, baby! (ON WEDNESDAY) But, only for a super duper very limited time! So, if you want it, you might oughta get in early Wednesday so you don’t miss out because it is also only while supplies last! And it will NOT last long! This is a super popular citrusy blend!
WHEN: Wednesday, May 12th, 2021 | Limited Time Only | While Supplies Last