A senior cat may need special care. Cats may be considered senior around age 11 or 12 and their health and grooming routines may suffer as they age. Keeping an eye out for the signs your cat is aging can help you give them the kind of life they deserve.

Improve Your Care Routine
Your vet, such as from a senior pet care Houston TX clinic, may suggest that you bring your cat in more often for blood work and routine exams. You can also ask about food and supplements that can extend your pet’s life and quality of living. Aging ticks on cats also tend to have trouble grooming themselves as they get older. This may lead to finding Your senior cat may sleep more and you can help them feel more secure by creating a place for them that has a water bowl and litter box near their favorite sleeping location. Brushing them and using other gentle grooming tools can help them stay cleaner and be a wonderful bonding experience for both of you.
Watch for Changes in Behavior
Changes in your cat’s behavior can indicate health problems that may need a veterinarian’s care. If your cat is urinating more often, limps, or has other behavior changes, you should make an appointment to have them checked. Senior cats can also lose their sight or hearing and may startle easily or seem lost when furniture is moved. Some signs of senility in cats could be loud yowling, confusion and changes in their eating patterns.
Aging is a natural process, and with it comes a whole new set of responsibilities. Cats, like all animals, experience the stresses of growing older. If you’re looking for ways to care for your senior pet more effectively, your veterinarian can help you with tools and suggestions to keep your cat healthy and happy.
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