Road tripping with the family anywhere is always great fun, however doing it in Australia for an adventurous family holiday is a whole different ball game. You’ll need to drive on the wrong (left) side of the road for a start. Some of you might already love the idea of an idyllic family road trip, while some of you might already be hearing those dreaded words “Are we there yet?” but Australia is the perfect road trip destination for those of you without a specific “there” in mind. Remember a road trip is always about the journey not the destination – unless of course that destination is Australia.

Flights to Australia
First you’ll need to book flights down under. It’s a long trip to Australia but totally worth it and it’s not as expensive as you might think. You can book flights from LAX to Sydney from just over $1,000 or if you’re looking to start your road trip from Western Australia and head east, then you can get flights to Perth from as low as $1,500. To keep things cheaper, I think it’s better to do a road trip starting in Sydney or Melbourne and then driving along the east coast of Australia, if you’d like an incredibly scenic beach trip. Or start in the east and head inland for a unique Australian outback experience.

Rent a vehicle
Once you get to Australia you’ll need to rent a vehicle or even buy one. Buying a used vehicle in Australia can be really cheap. If you’re going for an extended holiday or even just a long family road trip throughout the country, it can actually be cheaper to buy used and then sell off before you leave than renting the whole time. Either way, you’ll need a good quality vehicle, preferably a 4×4 to trek over any tough terrain, especially if you’re going bush. Having a vehicle is a great idea as it provides flexibility to travel at your own leisure. You could travel to the wildlife zoo Sydney, or travel north to south of the country in your own time.

Stay safe
No matter the time of year you decide to holiday in Australia you’ll need to pack plenty of water for the whole family. If you’re heading inland it can often be a long time before your next designated rest stop along the road so you’ll need to prepare. You’ll also want to pack plenty of good quality sunscreen, even if going in the colder months. Depending on where you’re headed, Australia can be a gloriously sunny holiday spot, no matter the time of year.

Keep it cheap
If you’re looking for a budget family holiday in Australia or the flight costs set you back far enough, you’ll want to keep it relatively cheap. A great way to do this on a road trip is to camp out. Even if you’re not the camping type and want to spend most of your nights in a hotel for some hot water and a relax after a long day’s journey, at least one night with the kids under the stars is not to be missed. This is the easiest way to keep your journey in Aus cheaper and it’s also a great way to truly experience all the amazing nature Australia has to offer.