Tips To Help You Get A Better Night’s Sleep

From time to time, I suffer from some pretty bad insomnia. It’s like my mind just won’t stop for the night and everything keeps flooding through my brain. As soon as I close my eyes I remember things I need to add to a list, or things I want to write about, things to do with the kids, clean, fix, etc… It’s exhausting. I know many are like me and, if this is you, I have some tips to help you get a better night’s sleep.

Tips To Help You Get A Better Night's Sleep
  • Chamomile Tea: Warm Chamomile tea. Oooh just saying it makes me feel more relaxed. Chamomile has a natural calming affect on the body. When you add the warmth of a mug of this tea, it is super soothing and relaxing. If you have a fireplace, electric fireplace or even a heating pad, a mug of warm tea, especially Chamomile and the extra warmth can really help you relax. If you’re not a tea drinker and aren’t lactose intolerant, try warm milk. It has been shown to help some people.
  • Warm Bath: I’m one of those people that truly believes in the healing powers of water. I know some people aren’t physically able to soak in a tub, but if you are, be it a bathtub or hot tub, a 15 minute soak will completely relax your muscles. This, in turn, will help relax your mind, allowing for better sleep.
  • Stay Cool: Getting up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat can ruin a good night’s rest. Adjusting the temperature at night and getting the right bedding can help. Check out these helpful tips for hot sleepers for more information.
  • Natural Sleep Aids: Relaxium Sleep is a natural, dietary supplement that can aid in relaxation, calming and the ability to fall asleep faster and sleep longer. When it comes to sleep aids, or anything really, I only use natural products if at all possible. Relaxium Sleep consists of things like Magnesium, Valerian root, Chamomile, Melatonin and a few other natural ingredients that work together to relax the mind and body. These ingredients have been used, individually, for centuries and many folks rely on them to get a better night’s sleep. It was developed by a Neurologist and is drug-free and non habit forming. Those last 2 are a must in my book!
    Tips To Help You Get A Better Night's Sleep
  • Magnesium: Speaking of Magnesium, I learned from Trim Healthy Mama that a magnesium deficiency can sometimes cause muscle spasms and restlessness. Sometimes magnesium supplements, alone, can help you sleep at night. In my case, I needed to the extra benefit of the other ingredients in Relaxium Sleep to really calm and relax me.
ALWAYS ask your doctor before using ANY supplements, even natural ones.
  • Meditation or Prayer: This may sound a little hokey to some but it really works. For me, personally, I pray to help calm my nerves. I’m of the Christian faith and there is something, for me, about talking to my God that eases any sense of dread or nervousness, allowing me to sleep.Meditation works by letting your clear your mind of the things that you’re dwelling on. 15 – 20 minutes of clearing your mind to focus on nothing but sleep will help you put everything off til morning. And honestly, we can’t do much during the night anyway, so rest and relax! Things we need to do will still be there in the morning.
  • Sound Machine or Music: Some people are just the opposite and cannot fall asleep without some sort of background noise or white noise. A sound machine like these homedics sound machines or an app on your phone or tablet just may do the trick. I love the sound of a waterfall or babbling brook. When Clay and I first got married, I couldn’t stand any noise when I went to bed. I wanted it super quiet. Clay, on the other hand, had always slept with the radio on. We decided to keep the radio on his side of the bed, and turned down low until he fell asleep. Once he was asleep it didn’t matter if it was on, so if I was still awake when he drifted off, I’d turn it off. We were both able to fall asleep that way. After working out of town for a couple of weeks and not having a radio at night, he got to where he could sleep without it.
  • Black-out or a light: Some people need total darkness (me) and some need a light (our kids). If you need your room to be completely dark, invest in some blackout curtains. You can get them at the Dollar store pretty inexpensively. Cover the LED of your alarm clock with a piece of paper taped on, so you can still lift it to see the time. This will block the glaring light and help you sleep.
  • Put Technology To Bed: It can be very tempting to keep looking at your phone or tablet if it is right next to your bed. If you have to have it near you and can’t put it in another room or turn it completely off, use an app that lets you set “do not disturb hours”. Or at the very least, put it on the opposite side of the room.
  • Wine: When all else fails, a glass of wine can help you relax at night. When Clay and I have had “one of those days” we’ll occasionally sip a glass of wine together with a good movie, before heading off to bed. One glass is all it takes to relax and unwind.
  • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine: This is an oral appliance prescribed to people with sleep apnea. A CPAP machine is essential to alleviate breathing problems during sleep so that the user can rest uninterrupted.

I’m not a doctor so this isn’t a medical treatment or medical advice in any way. If you’ve tried all these things, and none of them are helping, please see a doctor! Sometimes there is an underlying cause for sleep disturbances.

Again: ALWAYS ask your doctor before using ANY supplements, even natural ones. 

These are just a few things my family and I have tried to get a better night’s sleep. I hope these tips help you as well.

What are some things you do to get a better night’s sleep?

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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