Getting your home ready for winter is an important task and one that every homeowner should do. The better prepared your home is the less likely it is that you’ll encounter issues across the winter, issues that can see you clearing water out of your basement or balancing on the roof in strong winds.
The good news is that its’ not as difficult as you may think to prepare, you just need the right home winterization checklist.

Clad It
One of the weakest spots in any home is the walls. This is where damp can ingress, the wind can penetrate, and even pests can find a way through. But, it’s a tedious job checking the walls, sealing or repairing gaps, and then repainting the entire house.
Instead, consider getting an expert in palliside cladding to clad your house. It’s surprisingly affordable and will protect your walls, dramatically reduce your maintenance, and increase the insulation of your home. That means cheaper energy bills!
It’s also important to clear your gutters, this will allow rain to flow away from your property. Blocked gutters also cause water to overflow and come down the walls of your house, which increases the chances of water penetration and the subsequent damp or even wet rot issues you’ll have inside your home.
Get the Right Tools
If you live in an area that often gets snow then now is a good time to get a snow shovel! It needs to be kept where you can easily get to it, even if the snow is piling up outside. You also need to make sure that a basic set of tools is easy to get to. That means screwdrivers, pliers, and a variety of wrenches.
Clear The Clutter
You should consider sealing your deck before the winter hits, this will help to protect the wood across the worst months and ensure it lasts longer. But, you also need to survey your yard and move anything that is not being used and could be blown around in strong winds.
Flying objects can do a lot of damage in a storm, it’s better to store them safely away first. Don’t forget your barbeque and any gas bottles you have sat outside. If you’re not going to use it in the winter put it away!
This also includes putting any hose pipes and sprinkling systems away.
Check Your Heating
It’s no good turning your heating on as the cold hits only to find that it isn’t working properly. You should have it serviced during the summer months, but if you haven’t, get it done now and test fire it to ensure it’s working properly.
The last thing you want or need is an emergency plumber’s bill. In addition to this, you should also order heating fuel for furnaces or boilers in advance. If you haven’t placed your order yet, it’s pretty easy. Simply search for heating oil delivery near me and get a price quote from a reputed supplier. You can even register with the supplier for frequent deals and ensure your home remains warm throughout the season.
Pipe Insulation
Visually inspect all the pipes inside and outside of your home. They should all be in good condition and, any that run through unheated areas should be insulated to prevent them from freezing.
The Roof
Finally, inspect your roof inside and out for any signs of damage or leaks, you’ll want to get these fixed quickly and you may want some professional help to make sure it’s done properly.