Easy Holiday Meals With HoneyBaked Ham.

Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for HoneyBaked Ham. I received a gift card to facilitate my shopping trip and to thank me for participating.

HoneyBaked Ham, a family-run company since 1957, provides reliable, premium and convenient meal options. From a simple mid-week family dinner to an extravagant dinner party to entertain your extended family for the holidays, HoneyBaked Ham has a wide range of delicious main courses, sides, and desserts to choose from!
Can you believe how fast this month has gone by? It seems like I blinked and it was Christmastime! The last couple of years I wasn’t really in the mood to celebrate. Last year I was sick and had just had surgery so I certainly didn’t feel like doing much for the Holiday’s. But we always do the big dinner here at our house. We love having family gather here. So I wanted to get through it, sick or not. It was crazy. This year, time just got away from me. I’ve really been in the Christmas spirit the last couple of days and I’ve been decorating like crazy, making crafts, singing Christmas carols with the kids and just enjoying the season. We decided that because Christmas is on a Wednesday this year and Clay and others have to work Tuesday and Thursday, we’d just do our dinner on the 21st. Doing it on a Sat. is so much easier.

But time was a big problem. We knew that Clay may have to work on the 21st so it would end up being a late dinner. Sure enough, he had to be at work at 2 am yesterday morning and didn’t get home until after noon. He was exhausted. He usually cooks the ham. But since he was so tired it worked out best to just pick up something. So he stopped on the way home and picked up our HoneyBaked Ham. Mmmmmm HoneyBaked Ham is SO yummy! And it can really be a great help when you’re in a rush to get a great Holiday meal on the table. It was perfect!

HoneyBaked Ham

HoneyBaked Ham

HoneyBaked Ham

HoneyBaked Ham

My sister-in-law brought a huge turkey and broccoli casserole. Clay’s mom brought potato salad. I fixed green beans with potatoes, corn, cranberry/apple bake and sweet tea. I served chips, vegetables and dip. I didn’t make mashed potatoes, stuffing or chicken dumplings this year like I usually do and I completely forgot to put the rolls in the oven.But we had tons to eat. And it was all so delicious. I also bought an apple/grapes/caramel tray and made fudge, spiced pecans and jam cake. We had cookies and cupcakes and candy. Everywhere you looked, there was food!

In my opinion, the HoneyBaked Ham was the best part! The glaze on a HoneyBaked Ham is incredible. All hams are fully cooked when you pick them up. If you are having it later in the day or the next, put it in the refrigerator when you get home. They recommend serving it straight from the fridge, cold. But you can warm it gently. I don’t like it really hot so we warmed ours enough to knock the chill off but keep the glaze nice and crunchy. It was delicious! And just look at that gorgeous glaze. Not too sweet, not too savory. Just right. The hams are spiral sliced so it is super easy to serve too. The slices just fall right off the bone.

HoneyBaked Ham

It was perfect! We purchased a 10 pounds ham and it was around $75. That is a really large ham. We had around 16 people here, everyone took some home and there was still quite a bit of ham for leftovers. So if you are looking for something will help save you time and energy and make your meal amazing, I HIGHLY recommend HoneyBaked Hams. They have turkeys and side dishes too! So check them out!

HoneyBaked Ham

16 thoughts on “Easy Holiday Meals With HoneyBaked Ham.”

    • lol Jennifer. I don’t usually reply in the giveaway comments but this made me chuckle. I know exactly how you feel about the Honey Baked ham. Why mess with perfection? They are sooooooooooo good! It’s hard to stop eating it!


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