Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Far too often, women are intentionally and unintentionally encouraged to set their health aside to care for others. Doing so can set off a chain of events that can seriously affect their overall health. Stress is handled differently in the female body, and when women fail to manage their stress properly and neglect their mental health, consequences are sure to arise.
1. Increased Cortisol
Cortisol is often referred to as the stress hormone. When the body encounters stressors, the adrenal glands secrete cortisol to assist the body’s response to stress. In addition to managing stress, cortisol also regulates blood pressure, blood sugar inflammation, metabolism, and sleep cycles. This increase in cortisol can cause you to feel in a constant state of distress and lead you to unhealthy coping methods like drugs, alcohol, and overeating to find relief. When you join a mental health IOP program for women, you’ll learn healthy ways of managing stress that can help you feel more like yourself and get you on the path to recovery. High cortisol levels in the body often lead to hypertension, weight gain, and chronic illness. Not taking care of your mental health will lead to increased stress levels and more cortisol in your body.
2. Impaired Executive Function
Anxiety and depression have been known to impair the body’s executive functioning. This means that decision-making and problem-solving skills are negatively impacted, as well as working memory. These are the main mental actions used in everyday living and working. When executive functioning is impaired, you may find it difficult to focus and finish tasks. Finding ways to stay in the present and not spiral into an abyss of conditional and negative thinking will help you feel more like yourself. Disordered execution functioning decreases your ability to manage your behavior and interact with others in the manner you would prefer.
3. Digestive Issues
It has been said before that the gut is the second brain of the body. This may be the reason digestive issues are commonly associated with mental health disorders. Stress and mental health can impact the way you eat and what you choose to eat. It can also cause inflammation in the digestive tract which can cause imbalances in your gut flora. This will affect your hormone production, your cortisol levels, your ability to focus, and your energy levels. Keeping an eye on your mental health requires that you keep an eye on your digestive health and what you eat.
4. Reduced Energy
Neglecting your mental health will also result in a severe decrease in energy. The chemical imbalances that are characteristic of depression make it difficult to motivate yourself to do even the most mundane of tasks. Low levels of dopamine and serotonin make you feel less energetic and uninterested in activities you typically enjoy. You’ll also notice a change in your quality of sleep which will lead to feelings of tiredness during the day.
5. Pseudo Symptoms
Unmanaged mental health can manifest as physical symptoms that mimic those of severe physical illnesses. These pseudo symptoms can include heart palpitations, muscle spasms, psychogenic nonepileptic seizures, and sensory disruptions. Your healthcare provider will need to perform tests to determine the source of these physical symptoms.
There’s a lot of stress and expectations thrust on women in this society, and it’s not always easy to navigate womanhood. But self-care is a critical part of enjoying life. Failing to take care of your mental health can lead to a host of problems and discomforts. With all that you do, you have to remember not to neglect your needs.
The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.