Keurig 2.0 Brewing System Review

I recently received the Keurig 2.0 Brewing System that has just hit the market.

Keurig 2.0

It is the newest line-up of Keurig coffee brewers and Walmart had the first ones available. Instead of making your coffee only one cup at a time, you can now choose to make one cup OR fill the included carafe instead. This is a great option for those who like the convenience of a K-Cup but want two or three cups at a time or a small pot for a few guests.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary Keurig 2.0 Brewing System Review for review purposes. all opinions are strictly my own.

Keurig 2.0

I was really excited to try out my new Keurig Coffee Maker because I love being able to make myself a cup of coffee when no one else is in the mood. We also all like different types and flavors of coffee so being able to use our own coffees in our Keurig enabled machine was/is awesome. With that being said, there is one downfall to the new Keurig 2.0 Brewing System. You can ONLY use K-Cups with the Keurig logo on the lid. The new brewer has a system that reads the lid so it can self-adjust it’s brew for that beverage. If you like to use your own coffees in a refillable cup, that option isn’t available. At least, it isn’t yet. Perhaps Keurig will create a refillable cup with their logo set to a standard brew so you can use your own coffee, tea or hot cocoa in their machine? We’ll just have to wait and see. In the meantime, there are 100’s of varieties available for use in the Keurig 2.0 Brewing System.

My experience:

I love it! The machine itself is extremely easy to set up. All I had to do to get it going was plug it in, fill the reservoir to the fill line, lift and re-close the lid with NO K-Cup inserted and run a cleaning cycle. Once that was done, I was able to set a couple more options on the touch-screen control panel.

Keurig 2.0

The carafe is really cool. It is black plastic with a plastic silver handle. It feels very sturdy. The machine is black and it is plastic so it tends to be a bit of a lint catcher. I wiped it down several times for photos but you could still see it. I didn’t see the lint in person, though, only on the final photo.

When you are ready to brew a carafe full instead of a single cup, you remove the drip tray and slide the carafe in place, leaving the lid on. There is a little notch on the bottom of the carafe that slides into the bottom of the brewer and lets the machine know it is the carafe and not a mug. If the water isn’t up to the minimum fill line, it will alert you to add more water. It even says please!

Keurig 2.0

Insert your 4 cup K-Cup and close the lid. The machine will read the logo and give you the option of how many cups you want to brew, between 2 and 5. Make your selection and it will start brewing. It took us a  little over a minute for a full carafe. The coffee is nice and hot and in our personal testing it stayed hot for a couple of hours in the carafe.

 Keurig 2.0

Keurig 2.0

The reservoire is super easy to fill too. It removes completely. Then you just lift the lid and fill ‘er up! Pop the lid back on and slide the reservoire back into place and you’re good to go. There is even a light in the bottom. Some models have the ability to change the color of the light. Mine doesn’t have that option.

Keurig 2.0

Keurig 2.0

Keurig 2.0

I’ve not had to fill the reservoire to the minimum fill line when I was only brewing a single K-cup or dispensing hot water. Like with the cleaning cycle we did, if you don’t insert a K-Cup, the machine will ask if you want to dispense hot water. It will give you the option of brewing 4 ounces or 6 ounces. I use this option for my morning lemon water. It makes it nice and steamy.

Keurig 2.0

Keurig 2.0


Keurig 2.0, Keurig’s most advanced hot beverage system yet, is the first Keurig brewer to brew both a single cup and a four-cup carafe. The new Keurig 2.0 system delivers everything consumers know and love about Keurig – and more – with game-changing performance and function, unprecedented beverage choice, and timeless design appeal. More info can be found here. 

Overall, I’m completely satisfied with this machine. The more I use it, the more I love it. And having that nice, hot carafe of coffee is certainly a major benefit for me.

You can find the Keurig 2.0 at Walmart and starting at around $120. In fact, they had it in stores nationwide faster than several other major retailers and were the leading retailer in price of the brewer.

Keurig 2.0

Mmmm coffee. Yay, Keurig 2.0! Have you purchased the Keurig 2.0 yet?

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