Most Common Types Of Wood Used In Conference Tables

When buying shelves for your conference table, you can almost pencil in the types of solid wood they use to manufacture the product. The industry doesn’t turn away too much from these common types of woods because they are readily available, and the price of raw material is quite stable.

Conference tables are typically made of mahogany, cherry, walnut, dark red, brown and hard maple, oak, rosewood, and the like. You can also order a custom conference table where you get to pick not just the type of wood, but the overall design as well.

Here are the most common types of wood used in conference tables and their characteristics:

1. Rosewood. People might be surprised to know that rosewood is much stronger than mahogany. 

  • Doesn’t scratch or corrode easily
  • The wood finish is shiny and smooth
  • Their grains have beautiful patterns
  • Not ideal to be hit directly by sunlight

2. Mahogany. What you see in the market today is mostly African mahogany, although you can still find some genuine South American mahogany from custom conference table makers. 

  • The typical choice for fine-quality furniture
  • Associated with luxury, durability, and beauty
  • Assumes a deep red or brown-red color
  • Doesn’t swell, warp, or shrink over time
  • The grain can be wavy or straight, ranging from fine to medium lines

3. Maple. It could be brown or hard maple, and they are the ideal choice if you’re looking for a more modern or casual look. 

  • Ranges from light to dark brown with cream and white streaks
  • The grain is smooth with a fine texture and sometimes a circular pattern. Typically, you use a lighter color to stain the wood to showcase its grains
  • Vulnerable to dents and scratches
  • Not as durable since it’s classified as a softer hardwood

4. Oak. Perhaps out of all the wood types here, oak gives off that very informal vibe. Most of the oak in the market are either red or white oak. 

  • Not pretentious, which can be a good image for any company to have
  • Gives off that warm, welcoming look
  • Durable
  • Pronounced grain patterns can hide minor wear and tear

5. Walnut. For a long time, walnut has been the favored wood of furniture makers because it’s easy to cut and finish. 

  • Elegant with classic grain patterns that feature a lot of fluidity
  • Classified as medium dense, so it’s vulnerable to denting. However, the grain will hide most of the wear and tear
  • Color can range from dark brown, purplish brown, reddish-brown with a whiff of black and gray
  • Rich tones make it very versatile. You can use it for either a traditional or modern look.

6. Cherry. The cherry hardwood can go upwards of 100 feet. 

  • Affordable
  • Both durable and beautiful
  • The texture is smooth and features some circular grains
  • Color ranges from light to reddish-brown, or even vibrant red depending on the stain
  • Classified as medium dense, so it’s prone to denting

If you want a handcrafted conference table made, contact Lighthouse Woodworks in East Boston. They can customize a unique table that will showcase your brand. You can also get involved in the design process to make sure that your vision is imprinted in the blueprint.

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