Do you follow the Whole30 way of eating? Do you know what that even is, because, admittedly, I had to look it up to be sure! I’ll tell you in a sec, but first, if you DO follow it, I have a great deal for you. But it’s only for a limited time so hurry and sign up before it goes away! For a limited time, NEW ButcherBox members will receive 2 lbs of ground beef, up to 3 lbs of chicken breasts, and 1 pack of bacon for free in their first box!
Affiliate links have been used in this post and/or product was received as a thank you for purchasing. Purchases made through our links earn us a small commission to pay for our website, without any fees passed on to you.Thank you for your support! Read our full disclosure policy for more info.
What is Whole30?
Whole30 is a 30-day elimination diet that involves avoiding certain foods that, according to the founders, can cause inflammation and cravings, and negatively affect hormones and gut health.
The ButcherBox Whole30 Bundle includes all the meat you need to get started creating Whole30 compatible recipes for your next several meals! Whether you’re getting ready for your first Whole30 in September or in the middle of a reset right now, high-quality protein is key. Get the custom bundle from ButcherBoxfor FREE and make meal planning easier than ever.
Bacon Claims
Ground Beef Claims
Chicken Claims
- Raised Crate–Free
- Humanely Raised
- All vegetarian feed *except milk protein
- No nitrates
- No nitrites
- Uncured
- Doesn’t contain added sugar
- 100% grass-fed and grass-finished
- Pasture-raised
- Source of Omega-3s, vitamins, and minerals
- Humanely raised
- No added hormones
- No antibiotics ever
- Free-rangeorganic
- USDA certifiedorganic
- GAP 3 Claims
- No antibioticsever
If you’re not a new member, which ButcherBox deal did you sign up with?