Create Healthy Recipes With The Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO

Back a few years ago I participated in a vegetarian/vegan healthy eating plan. I didn’t have anything as powerful as the (Nutri Ninja® Nutri Bowlâ„¢ DUOâ„¢ with Auto-iQ Boostâ„¢) Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO with Auto-iQ Boost to make smoothies and recipes with, like I do now. I somehow managed but it was hard. I lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks and felt great! I lost weight, my hair and skin looked amazing and I had tons of natural energy that I’d been missing.

Disclosure: I received a complimentary Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO to facilitate our journey as we share it with you. All opinions are my own.

Then, my gall bladder, that had been secretly plaguing me for 10 years (long story), decided to up a call it quits. After a severe gall bladder attack landed me in the emergency room, the gastroenterologist decided that it needed to come out immediately. I had a 48 hour gall stone attack caused by golf ball sized stones and an enlarged gall bladder. Not fun!

After that, I had to be really careful for a while with what I ate. Many of the foods that didn’t cause me problems before suddenly caused bad cramps, bloating and sudden trips to the restroom. Over the next couple of years I gained all the weight back plus extra. My tummy issues have mostly calmed down so I think I am at a point where I can start back on the foods that helped me so much before.

Add to that the fact that our 13 year old daughter has been battling Bronchitis off and on for 4 months. She catches every cold that comes her way and when she gets sick she gets down and out for weeks. She’s tired of being sick and I’m tired of being overweight! She asked me to start making smoothies and healthy snacks again. She wants to do this with me to help boost her immune system while I do it to lose weight, boost my immune system and just get overall healthy again. I’m really glad to have her on my side and it was her idea!

Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO with Auto-iQ Boost

To make things easier, we’ve started using the Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO with Auto-iQ Boost for our smoothies and extractions. With it, I can extract vitamins and nutrients to create healthy meals and snacks. I plan on making, at least, one recipe from the Ninja website each week and sharing our results with you. For this week, we’re starting off simple with their “Morning Berry” Smoothie <—- recipe link and “Almond Chia Bites“. <—- recipe link.

The Morning Berry Smoothie turned out smooth, creamy and delicious. The recipes on the site serve as a starting guide. Once you learn the order to add the ingredients and which settings to use, you can then change things up, add in different mix-ins and create your own recipes. The Morning berry uses banana, honey, flaxseed almond milk and frozen berries. It is so good!

Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO with Auto-iQ Boost
Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO with Auto-iQ Boost

The Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO is so cool! I can whip up enough smoothies for us both in seconds where before, it took me 20 minutes to get everything pulverized enough. The cleanup before was a pain in the butt too. It’s so easy now. Either one of us can use it with ease.

For smoothies, we just add our ingredients to the 24-ounce Tritanâ„¢ Nutri Ninja® Cup. As I mentioned earlier, for smoothies we start with the soft ingredients like bananas and fresh fruit, then add our liquid,then seeds and nuts and lastly frozen ingredients like frozen fruit or ice.

Place the blade on, turn the cup upside down and place it on the Nutri Ninja base and blend! There are specific buttons for specific things. There is a dedicated Smoothie button and if I want the ingredients blended to a thinner texture, I click Auto-iQ BOOSTâ„¢ YES Extract. I do this for smoothies to get a smoother, creamier texture. It will count down and adjust the speed and pulse as it blends, automatically! So there’s no guess work for me.

The same goes for the Nutri Bowl. This week, I used it for the Almond Chia Bites. They were such a cinch to make. All I had to do was toss in the ingredients in order of the recipe, then use Auto-iQ BOOSTâ„¢ YES and Fusion Mix. It chopped everything up. Then I rolled the mix into 1 inch balls and chilled for an hour. We were left with a great, healthy, on-the-go snack!

Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO with Auto-iQ Boost
Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO with Auto-iQ Boost

Here’s a video showing the Nutri Ninja Nutri Bowl DUO in action! I made the Morning Berry Smoothie and the Almond Chia Bites. You can see how quick they are to make.

Next week I’m making the Grape and Walnut Chicken Salad <—- recipe link and a “Green Matcha Shot” <—- recipe link. We’ve actually already tried the chicken salad and it is delicious. All the ingredients go into the Nutri Bowl in order, then put the lid on and choose the button that says Auto-iQ BOOSTâ„¢ NO and Fusion Chop. The Fusion Chop button use intermittent pulses to chop the ingredients to the perfect texture. Again, in seconds! I made enough chicken salad for 6 of us, in seconds!!! And it was delicious and healthy.

One quick note: Only ever use cool ingredients. You cannot use hot liquids or other warm ingredients in this.

Honestly, I can’t say enough good things about this machine. I wasn’t asked to do more than one post but I want to. I want to show you all how easy it is to use and how many recipes can be prepared with it! I figure one per week with 1 – 2 recipes tried will be good.

In the meantime, here’s a little more info on the Nutri Ninja Nutri BowlDUO with Auto-iQ Boost.

It comes with the following:

  • (1) 1200-Watt Motor Base with Auto-iQ Boostâ„¢
  • 4-cup Nutri Bowlâ„¢
  • Precision Prep Blade Assembly
  • Dough Blade Assembly
  • (2) 24 oz. Tritanâ„¢ Nutri Ninja® Cups
     Mine also came with the 32 oz. Tritanâ„¢ Nutri Ninja® Cup and spout lid. I’m not sure if this is standard or not.
  • (2) Spout Lids
  • (1) Pro Extractor Blades® Assembly
  • 75-Recipe Book – The recipes are also on their website and super easy to follow!

The buttons on the front include:

  • Start/Stop to let it run continuously and stop yourself
  • Timer
  • Pulse – Pulse your food at will
  • Smoothie
  • Auto IQ Boost (yes/no)
  • Fusion Mix
  • Fusion Chop
  • Fusion Dough – You can make your own pizza and bread dough!

Cleanup is a breeze. There is only really three parts. The cup or bowl depending on which you are using, the blades (was with a dish brush for safety) and the lid. If you’re not using a pour spout for the cups then you only have the cup and blades because they are made onto the blender lid. Wash them in warm soapy water and then wipe down the base. Easy!

Ok, I’ve rambled on. I’ll be back next week to show you the chicken salad and matcha shots my daughter and I prepare. I’m so proud that she reached out to me to get healthy together. She is taking this as serious as I am and is excited that we can make healthy foods and drinks that taste good and are quick and easy. I think the ease is really going to help us stick to it!

Have you used the Nutri Ninja® Nutri Bowlâ„¢DUOâ„¢ with Auto-iQ Boostâ„¢? What do you think?

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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