Since Zaycon Foods has gone out of business, all links have been updated with my ButcherBox link instead! I left the article the same because it was such a great concept and I want you to know about the service that once existed. ButcherBox is similar, but better, because it is delivered straight to your door! You don’t have to drive to pick it up at specific events like you did Zaycon. So, the blog post is the same but the links point to ButcherBox instead.
Affiliate links have been used in this post and/or product was received as a thank you for purchasing. Purchases made through our links earn us a small commission to pay for our website, without any fees passed on to you.Thank you for your support! Read our full disclosure policy for more info.
Zaycon Foods is a great site that allows you to purchase meats, and other foods, in bulk. Their meats are sold in 40 pound cases and never frozen. It goes from farm to you and does not have added hormones, additives or artificial ingredients. Their chicken typically originates from processing facilities in southern and midwest states. I recently had the AWESOME opportunity to review a case of their quality boneless, skinless chicken breasts. 40 pounds worth!
Zaycon Foods
Because the chicken is fresh and in bulk, there is a little prep work but it is very minimal. The chicken breasts, while boneless/skinless, are whole. The chicken is never frozen but it does arrive VERY cold and extremely fresh. You need to cut them in half and remove a small bit of fat that is left. You can see this process in the video below (scroll down).
It didn’t take me long at all and when I was finished, I had 7 gallon freezer bags stacked in my freezer (6 bags with 6 breasts and 1 bag with 4 = 40 chicken breasts). In the video/photo, they had slid off my shelf a little but are now stacked neatly inside and ready for my family.
The chicken breasts are beautiful too. They are big and very clean. There was very little fat that had to be removed. My husband grilled several the next night and they were nice and juicy and extremely tender. The entire family loved them and said they were full of flavor and fresh tasting. This is such a great way to purchase meat for larger families or for family/friends wanting to purchase bulk meat as a group.

Zaycon Foods has events at various locations throughout the United States. If they receive enough interest in a particular area, they will schedule an event and you can purchase your meat online, then pick it up the day of the event. They will load it into your vehicle for you and off you go!
You can purchase meat in bulk at wholesale prices. The prices do vary a little throughout the year depending on market fluctuations. Therefore, the prices may be a little higher in the summer. To combat this, Zaycon foods does most of their chicken sales events in the spring and fall when the prices are lower! At the time of this post, the chicken prices are averaging around $1.59/pound and always sold in a 40 pound case.
About Zaycon Foods the Company: We are a privately owned company based in the state of Washington. The company was founded in 2009 to bring fresh meats and other products direct to consumers at wholesale prices. The founders have extensive experience in sales, business management and the grocery industry.
We warrant that all food products sold and delivered by Zaycon Food will be of acceptable quality, fit for consumption and free from spoilage and damage. To this end, we ask each customer to open and inspect each case of product the same day they receive the product from Zaycon Foods. If, upon close examination of the contents, the customer finds the product to be of unacceptable quality, we will arrange the return of the partial or complete order and will refund the payment accordingly.
One of the four values that forms the foundation of our operations is exceptional customer service. Our goal is to have every customer be a satisfied customer. In the rare instance where there are product or delivery issues, we ask our customers to please inform us of the issue (typically via email) so that we might have the chance to fully correct the issue and to restore their confidence in our company.
Complimentary product was received by Zaycon Foods to facilitate this review. No monetary compensation was received. All opinions are my own.
Have you purchased through Zaycon Foods? What did you think?

Ok, the chicken review and video is up. You can all hear my hicky-chicky accent, hehehe. Zaycon Foods will host an event AND blog giveaway in our area SOON but they need to get lots of interest so for my Kentucky and surrounding area friends, register from the link on my site and let’s get them out here. Buying in bulk is GREAT for large families or even 2 families wanting to split the costs. There is also an upcoming event in Missouri and East Kansas so check my post for details on that as well if you are in that area.