Our family has never really done Christmas gifts from Santa Claus. They know their gifts come from Clay and me. That doesn’t mean that we don’t still participate in the fun. The kids love receiving personalized Santa videos and calls from the “Jolly Old Elf”. And this year, they each got a call and a video!
I teamed up with the US Family Guide and Portable North Pole to show you how easy and fun it is to create personalized Santa videos and calls to your children (or yourself).
The website is super easy to use and comes with tons of video options. Once you choose the video (or call) you want, you’ll go through a few steps to add in your child’s info. Some videos ask for first name only. Some ask for their age. The one I chose for our youngest daughter asked her first name and age, a photo, as well as up to 4 other names and ages.
In one part of the video, it showed her the “big book” with her name as well as the books for the other names I’d chosen. You can see Clay’s name on the book on the right.
After you’ve personalized your video, click save and it will do the magic. Once it’s ready you can share it or download it to your computer. I downloaded it so that I could show it to her after school. She was thrilled!
A couple days later, I set up a phone call for our middle daughter. I was able to personalize it with her name and 2 gifts she’d asked for. When Santa called her, he mentioned that she’d been wanting those two gifts and then made some other suggestions for her to be surprised.
The only things I don’t like about the phone calls is that you can’t set up a specific time to be called. I had to click “Call now” and then grab the phone and hand it to her. Also, it starts talking immediately. It would be better if you could set up a date and time and then when it called, it would give you time to get your child into the room. The actual call was pretty cool, though, and she was very surprised that Santa knew the things she’d asked for.
There are other options besides Christmas gift calls. If your child is having some behavior issues or if it is their birthday, there are calls for those as well! You can see the many choices in the photo below.
There are also a ton of different Christmas videos. Some aren’t available until Christmas eve or a specific day but you get an email when those are ready to be created.
The site, itself, is very easy to use. All your calls and videos are saved for a limited time so you can download them on a later date or go in and start the call.
PNP offers a free video for every child with a new option to purchase a single premium video ($4.99) or upgrade to a premium package, including the Video Pass ($9.99) or Magic Pass ($13.99).
Save 20% Make Christmas magic With Portable North Pole!
Save 20% Make Christmas magic With Portable North Pole! – Use Promo Code: PNP7Family
Magic Pass Discount:Â https://www.portablenorthpole.com/en/?openCart=PAS03&promocode=PNP7FAMILY
Video Pass Discount: Video Pass: EN –> https://www.portablenorthpole.com/en/?openCart=PAS02&promocode=PNP7FAMILY
Do you ever send personalized Santa Videos or Calls to your kids? Mine love them!