Each Holiday, I participate in the “Buzzed Driving IS Drunk Driving” campaign through Global Influence to help bring awareness to this very real problem. Many people don’t realize that even a buzz from alcohol can impair your senses enough to cause erratic and dangerous driving.
Last year alone, more than 250 people died in alcohol-impaired driving crashes during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday periods.
I ask you to help spread awareness for this cause and sign the Pledge to not drive drunk, buzzed or otherwise impaired! Here are several ways you can stay safe and help others stay safe this Holiday season:
Join the Twitter Q&A on Thursday, December 9th at 2 PM ET. Follow the hashtag #buzzeddriving to get safety tips and prevention advice from NHTSA experts. You can follow the chat here: https://tweetchat.com/room/buzzeddriving
Designated Driver Drink List — One of the most important things you can do before going out is designate a sober driver. If you’re throwing a party, make sure to offer non-alcoholic drinks for the sober drivers. Here is a Facebook tab with 50 non-alcoholic party drink recipes.
Alternative Ride Locator — Here is a Facebook tab with a list of nationwide alternative ride programs that can help keep your readers safe.
Buzzed Driving is Drunk Driving website — Sign a pledge not to drink and drive; play “Spot the Difference,” an interactive game that simulates the effects of buzzed driving; and watch a real-life video about how buzzed driving changed one woman’s life.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and the Ad Council are reminding everyone that the best way to stay safe is to plan ahead and designate a sober driver before you head out for your festivities.
PLEASE help make the roadways safer and ring in a Safe and Happy New Year!
Great post. I definately agree with always making sure there is a (trustworthy!) designated driver – or a taxi pre-booked. Also get a lift/taxi to the party or night out; it is sometimes too tempting to just drive back when drunk if you know your car is sitting there outside the pub.