Children’s Claritin Back-to-School Allergy Tips


Allergy Tips Disclosure: As a member of the Children’s Claritin Mom Crew, I receive product samples and promotional items to and use as I see fit. No monetary compensation has taken place and any opinions expressed by me are honest

The Threat Of RSV At Home And In Child Care And School Settings

RSV Infographic

Respiratory syncytial virus, also known as RSV, is a common, seasonal virus that affects two-thirds of all infants by age one and almost 100% of babies by age two, because it’s highly contagious.  RSV can live on surfaces (doorknobs, countertops, toys, bedding) for

HELP! I Have Gallstones!

Ever had one of those days when you felt GREAT all day and them BAM, all of a sudden you thought you were dying? I had that this past Saturday. I’ve been sick off and on for a couple of