Thanksgiving Dinner on a Budget [INFOGRAPHIC]

Thanksgiving dinner on a budget.

Let’s face it, Thanksgiving dinner costs a fortune! Especially if you have a large family and extended family like we do. The following is a Thanksgiving on a Budget Infographic. Check it out and let me know what you think!

There are some neat facts at the end. Please feel free to tweet them out if you’d like.

Thanksgiving dinner on a budget

Source (used with permission):

Have you planned your Thanksgiving Dinner on a budget?

Facts to Tweet:

  • The average cost of a Thanksgiving meal increased by 13% last year
  • 18.5% of all turkeys raised each year are eaten on Thanksgiving
  • Worldwide food costs increased by 30% in 2011
  • The price of fresh green beans has decreased 23%
  • Total consumer savings through coupons were $4.6 billion last year
  • $100/hour = average savings from couponing
  • The average supermarket turkey costs $1.35/lb

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