The Evolution Of Modern Hemp Industry

Decades ago, hemp was one of the top cash crops in the US and surrounding regions. It contributed in building the US economy but later experienced a huge downfall. At last, the hemp industry is again making a comeback even though now it is not largely used in the same way as before.

In the past years, the hemp plant was used in several ways. It was used in the textile, paper, and food industries. Its versatility is what that made hemp one of the top cash crops in those days. Hemp production was later abolished and considered illegal due to the plant being a close cousin of the marijuana plant.

Regulations have now been passed to legalize again hemp production but there are conditions that must be made first. For instance, hemp products should contain 0.3% of THC or less for them to be considered as hemp. The lower levels of THC in hemp is the main reason why industrial production of hemp has been legalized in many states.

Why did the hemp industry experience a downfall?

Hemp is a close cousin of the marijuana plant. They both are of the cannabis species but hemp has a very low THC content when compared to marijuana. In fact, the appearance of the two plants is similar and you might confuse hemp to be marijuana if you do not know these two plants.

The close resemblance between hemp and marijuana contributed to hemp’s downfall. There was a lot of misinformation going around about hemp and politics made it even worse. In no time, hemp production was declared illegal even though the low levels of THC cannot easily get a person high.

The good news is that hemp production is now legal in most states with companies like Cannaflower formerly known as Berkshire CBD emerging as the top hemp dealers. The customers should not be worried by the rebranding as the product quality still remains the same. You can now visit the Cannaflower website for top-quality hemp products.

Regulatory reforms to legalize hemp

Canada was one of the first countries that began legalizing the industrial production of hemp. The laws legalizing the productions began to be passed as early as 1998 and as late as 2016, the Canadian hemp industry brought a total sales of C$170 million. The US then followed suit although it took them around 20 years after Canada to legalize hemp.

The 2018 Farm Bill was passed, which now removed hemp from the list of controlled substances. Ever since, the hemp industry has been surging up and this has been largely contributed to the public knowing the great healing properties that hemp products contain. As the number of people interested in hemp products keeps increasing, so is the number of legalized hemp dealers.

The various hemp products

Although the hemp plant contains very low levels of THC, it is rich in other important products called cannabinoids (CBD). in fact, CBD is the major driving factor behind the rapid rise of the hemp industry. CBD products have become very popular in the health and wellness industry because of their ability to treat pain and other medical conditions like sleep disorders. So rapid is the growth of the CBD industry that at the end of 2020, it is expected to be valued at $2.1 billion. This is a huge achievement considering that hemp production has only been legalized for a few years.

Canada is also passing regulations to legalize production of marijuana for recreational and medical purposes. However, this laws are going to be stricter than those of hemp production. Companies though prefer hemp production for CBD rather than marijuana because of the high costs associated with its production.

Hemp is not only used to produce CBD as it is also used in the food industry. The hemp seeds are a great source of protein and other essential nutrients like omega-3, omega-6, iron, and vitamin E. By the end of 2022, the yearly growth rate of the hemp food industry is expected to be at 24%. Hemp can also be used in manufacturing of top quality skincare products.

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