We are Christian’s but we don’t go to church regularly. We’re not overly religious but we do rely on our faith in God in everything we do and look to the Holy Bible for encouragement, teaching and guidance. Because we don’t go regularly I like to teach the kids about the bible and God’s word at home in our own time and in a way that is easy to understand. To do that, I rely on bibles and other resources that break God’s word down in a way that makes sense to all of my kids, no matter their age. While Clay and I read the King James version of the Bible, I really like the New Living Translation Bibles for teaching the kids. I feel like it conveys everything in the Bible in easy to read language without veering away from God’s word.
We received a complimentary copy of the Girls Slimline NLT Bible as a member of Tyndale Blog Network. All opinions are strictly our own.
All 4 of our children have their own Bibles. We start out with books that have Bible stories for kids. I like these little story books until they are around age 9 – 10. I feel like that is the age when they really start to gain some understanding into what they are reading themselves. Once they reach that age, they get their own bible in a version, like the NLT, that breaks everything down into more Layman’s terms. Once they are older and ready to really delve into the Bible, we buy them a King James version Bible of their own.
The Holy Bible:Â Girls Slimline NLT Bible
We recently gave our middle daughter a Girls Slimline NLT Bible. She immediately “oohed and awed” over it. The cover and colors are really bright and kid friendly. The cover is fuzzy, the pages are bright purple and the edges are trimmed with a silver glittery trim.
The word LOVE is on the front in bright, bold letters and a bright ribbon marker to use as a bookmark. It also has 8 pages of maps, in full color, in the back. I use the maps a lot to help me visualize where something takes place in the Bible. I stink at geography!
To keep this bible slimline, the text is quite small and you don’t really get any extras like notation areas, study guides, photos, etc. It does have a dictionary/concordance in the back and an alphabetical listing of the Books of the Bible in the front as well as a note to readers introducing the New Living Translation and how it came to be. It then lists the translators before delving into the Old and New Testaments. As with other Bibles, Christ’s speakings are in red letter text.
The text is a bit hard on the eyes. Even though the text is really small, my daughter and I still really like this bible. It is small enough to carry to church, camp, travel or anywhere she wishes to take it. It is bright and encouraging and is something she is proud to carry around with her.
Help your daughters learn God’s word in the Holy Bible with their own Girls Slimline NLT Bible.
Also available for guys!
Girls Slimline Bible NLT
Guys Slimline Bible NLT
If you are of the Christian faith, do your children have their own Bibles? Have you read the NLT version of The Holy Bible?