A Flair for Chardonnay By Deborah Garner

I love a good mystery. I also love me some chocolate and have a favorite wine. So Sadie and I have a couple of things in common! Keep reading and then check out our review of A Flair for Chardonnay by Deborah Garner below.

I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

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A Flair for Chardonnay By Deborah Garner

25305811813 91905d1169 oNEW RELEASE….

When flamboyant senior sleuth Sadie Kramer learns the owner of Cioccolato, her favorite chocolate shop, is in trouble, she heads for the California wine country with a tote-bagged Yorkie and a slew of questions. The fourth generation Tremiato Winery promises answers, but not before a dead body turns up at the vintners’ scheduled Harvest Festival.

All four Tremiato siblings have possible motives, as well as a few peripheral acquaintances, but only one could be the guilty party. As Sadie juggles truffles, tips and turmoil, she’ll need to sort the grapes from the wrath in order to find the identity of the killer.

Available to buy from….
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My Thoughts About A Flair For Chardonnay:

As I mentioned earlier, I love a good mystery. And A Flair For Chardonnay is just that. When Sadie first set out on her adventure I felt like she was a nosy busybody. But I soon realized that she was just being a caring friend with a nose for mystery solving.

I love how Sadie and the other folks in the story are written and how they interact. I also love that I could not solve this mystery half way through the book. It kept me guessing until the very end! I had no idea who the murderer was until I got to the end of the story. And that makes for the perfect read!

The only thing… it left me with a serious craving for wine and chocolate! I had to get some in order to finish reading. But I’m not complaining. 😀

About the author:

17163478536 1a92c91e4c oDeborah Garner is an accomplished travel writer with a passion for back roads and secret hideaways. Born and raised in California, she studied in France before returning to the U.S. to attend UCLA. After stints in graduate school and teaching, she attempted to clone herself for decades by founding and running a dance and performing arts center, designing and manufacturing clothing and accessories, and tackling both spreadsheets and display racks for corporate retail management. Her passions include photography, hiking and animal rescue. She speaks five languages, some substantially better than others. She now divides her time between California and Wyoming, dragging one human and two canines along whenever possible.

Find the author on the following sites…
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