Enter To Win A Boogie Board And Boogie Wipes In The Boogie Back to School Giveaway! #MomsWhoBoogie

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Deborah Brown Paradise Series
Deborah Brown Paradise Series

Disclosure: I am a Saline Ambassador on the #MomsWhoBoogie team and we received a prize pack to give away to one lucky reader.

As mentioned in the disclosure above, I am a Saline Ambassador for Boogie Wipes. I am on the team #MomsWhoBoogie and we have a super awesome giveaway going on right now. One fab reader is going to win their very own Boogie Board eWriter and a Boogie Wipes Prize Pack!

Boogie Wipes: Boogie Board Giveaway

The Moms Who Boogie Saline Ambassador team would like to help you boogie your way back to school!  Whether your kids are in public school, private school or even homeschool this giveaway is for you.

Boogie Wipes

Like my teammates, our family loves Boogie Wipes as they are made with natural saline to dissolve those nasty, stuck on boogies and crusties (mucus) caused by colds and allergies.  They are extra soft, alcohol/phthalate/paraben free and come in a variety of scents including great grape (our favorite), fresh scent, magic menthol (also my favorite) and simply unscented.

I adore Boogie Wipes and I keep them EVERYWHERE. I have them in my purse. I have them in the van. And I keep a canister of Boogie Wipes in each bathroom, on my desk and on my night stand for those late nights when the little ones creep into my room just to tell me they have a runny nose. lol

Boogie Wipes: Boogie Board Giveaway

So….. what’s up for grabs?  One winner will receive a prize basket from Boogie Wipes and their very own Boogie Board eWriter.  Just enter the giveaway below and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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