3 Ways You Can Help An Elderly Relative

If you have a loved one who is struggling to care for themselves as they get older, you might be interested in what you can do to make their lives easier. A large part of the answer might depend on what kind of connection you have and the other responsibilities that you need to attend to in your life, but whatever the answers to those questions, there will likely be something that you can do.

It’s also important to consider the times when you won’t be the one who is able to offer the kind of help that is needed. At that point, it might be time to start asking some serious questions about what’s next.

1. Spend Time Together

Perhaps the most important thing to do during this time is to simply spend time with the person in question. After all, if they’re at a point where they’re struggling to care for themselves, they’ll likely be looking for some emotional support. This doesn’t have to be anything radical, just ensuring that you’re present when you can be and there to laugh with them or generally just provide them the comfort of your company can be more of a help than you might expect.

You can branch out the activities that you find yourself resorting to here as well. You don’t have to spend the whole time inside, and you might find that gentle walks around a nearby area might do you both good as far as your physical and mental health are concerned.

2. Help Them Find Help

In the aforementioned case that more professional help is needed, you can still play an important role in guiding them towards a solution that they can be happy with. This is bound to be an emotionally turbulent time for them, and having someone that they trust to go through this with can prevent it from being as lonely an experience as they’re fearing. Furthermore, ensuring that the result is both exactly what they need and something that they can find comfort in, such as 24-hour senior care in St. Louis, can allow this to be as positive a shift as you can manage.

It might not be such a dramatic shift, however, and it might be more about finding them help who can come to their current residence, a compromise that might suit some situations better than others.

3. Ferry What’s Needed

It might be that the job which needs doing is a very simple one – taking goods from point A to point B.
 As they will be unable to take care of themselves to the same extent they might want to, it’s understandable that the person in question might struggle to supply themselves with what they need. Whether you’re just going to the shop and dropping supplies off for them, bringing things from your own home, or helping to arrange deliveries, you can ensure that they continue to remain as equipped and comfortable as possible. In situations where their well-being requires constant monitoring, you might also want to explore tools like Life Assure medical alert systems, which can provide additional peace of mind in the case of an emergency.

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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