If you host Thanksgiving dinner at your home, it can be one of the most stressful times of the year! We have a rather large family and host the Holidays here at our house. It’s stressful but our family has found several ways to ease the Thanksgiving stress (and other Holidays) so the host can relax and enjoy the day too! Below, I’ve shared 5 ways to ease Thanksgiving stress. I hope they help you this year!

1.) Pot Luck Style
Seriously. Asking everyone on your guest list to bring a dish is my #1 top way of relieving the stress of hosting a Holiday meal, especially one as big and involved as Thanksgiving. And, with everything costing so much more this year, having everyone pitch in saves one person from spending a fortune on the meal.
I use to try to prepare the entire meal myself and with such a big family, it was overwhelming! So we started doing a pot luck style meal and it works great! We still prepare the main dishes like the turkey, dressing/stuffing, chicken dumplings, baked macaroni and cheese and my cranberry apple bake.
That may still seem like a lot but it’s really not. My kids are old enough now to help me in the kitchen too so it’s a blessing and a huge stress reliever! Then, someone else will bring green beans. Someone will bring a ham. Another family member will bring a side dish, appetizers, a veggie tray or a dessert, etc.
2.) Plan Your Meal For Later In The Day
Clay always wanted to host the meal at lunchtime. With 4 small children it was too hard to get everyone up and ready and get the meal on the table by noon! So, I decided we’d start having it around 4 or 5 in the evening. We eat, everyone dozes on the couch with a movie playing in the background, then we eat some appetizers.
I also learned to do the appetizers later in the evening, AFTER the meal. This way, no one fills up before it’s all ready and we still have some charcuterie type things to munch on when we get hungry later. A lighter snack is perfect!
3.) Watch The Parade
I love the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! That is another reason I like having the meal later in the day. It gives me time to watch some, if not all, of the parade. I can also take my time getting ready. I’ll do my makeup and pull my hair up while I’m watching and relaxing. That, alone, can help calm my nerves and get me ready for the big meal prep! It’s like just having a little “me time” before everyone gets here.
4.) Deep Breaths, Prayer And/Or Meditation
This is actually the first thing I do Thanksgiving morning. When I first wake up, I like to spend some time saying my prayers and just having a conversation with God. I take several deep breaths and get my mind set for the day. That’s every day but it really helps on days like Thanksgiving and Christmas to help ease Thanksgiving stress. If you aren’t into prayer, try saying some affirmations or doing a little meditation. The deep breaths help on their own but clearing your mind takes it an extra step.
5.) Diffuse Essential Oils
Y’all know I’m a big fan of essential oils. I use them for most of my health needs, natural home cleaners and remedies and to help calm my nerves. Placing a diffuser in your bathroom, bedroom or by you in the kitchen with some calming oils like lavender or chamomile can really help bring on the stress relief! You can also make this relaxing autumn room spray and spritz the air in your kitchen and on your sofa and chairs for some wonderful aromatherapy!
I have a bonus tip for you bringing the grand total to 6 instead of 5.
6.) CBD Oil Or Gummies
Not everyone uses or can use CBD Oil. If you can, a small dropper amount of liquid CBD Oil, under the tongue, can give an almost immediate sense of calm. Another thing to try is half a CBD gummy. This will take off the nervous edge many folks get this time of year, especially when preparing a big meal or hosting an event. You won’t feel “high”, just calmer.
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MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.We are not doctors and this is not to be considered medical advice. As with any product, supplement, etc, ALWAYS use with caution, do research and consult your doctor before use! Use at your own risk. Discontinue use and seek medical attention if any adverse reactions occur.
ESSENTIAL OILS DISCLAIMER: Essential oils are VERY concentrated, do absorb into the bloodstream and some may interfere with certain medications and health conditions. For instance, I have high blood pressure and need to be careful when using rosemary essential oil. So, please, do your research before use and use with caution. With that said, essential oils can be an amazing addition to your health and wellness and natural home. This is in no way intended to be used as medical advice and we cannot be held responsible for your use or results.
And there you have it! 5 6 tips to help ease Thanksgiving stress quickly and easily. It can get loud and busy here during gatherings but these things help keep me calm on Thanksgiving day so I’m not a grouch when preparing the meal. And by doing it pot luck style, no single person has all the stress on them.
What are some things you do to prepare a stress-free Holiday meal?