Cold & Flu Season Is Here! Save Up To 35% On Natural Health Boosters!

YUCK! It’s cold & flu season on top of the apparent never-ending “rona season. I’m starting to get used to the “new normal” of wearing masks, although we’ve always used hand sanitizer when leaving the store, checking the mail, etc., as well as using natural health boosters like essential oils, vitamins and supplements. (Baobab powder is my #1 secret immune booster!) I’m a bit of a germ-o-phobe so the “new normal” is not really that much different then our “old normal”. 😂

Don’t judge, I hate getting sick! I’d much rather be over cautious and not catch anything. That’s just my personal preference since illness hits our family hard. But, you do you, boo! m’kay? No judging here.

Anyway, with that said, I’ve got a pretty sweet deal for ya’ll. Purchase any of the following natural health boosters and save 15-35% OFF on select products + FREE 15ml Immune Strength w/ any order OMGEEEEE that is a super dyno-whopping deal just in time for yuck and yuck season! WOOT!

Start Date: September 22nd, 2021 at 12:00 am MT
End Date: September 24th, 2021 at 11:59 pm MT



Flu Time
Breathe Ease
Tohi Hand Soap
Joint Support
Eucalyptus Radiata
Deep Breathe
DNA Harmony

Nerve Support
Tummy Time 
First Aid ( I have this blend and LOVE it! )
Heart Health

Sacred Immune Strength 
Lymph Support
Migraine Support 10ml
Immune Strength 10ml 
Feminine Aid
Tummy Rub 15ml 

Click here to get 15-35% OFF on select products + FREE 15ml Immune Strength w/ any order

*Promo ends 09/24/2021 at 11:59 pm MT ?| Cannot be combined with other discounts or offers | While supplies last

Soooo, what natural health boosters are you gonna get? When you get your order, snap a photo and share on Instagram tagging us @cinnamonhollow in the photo.

…more essential oil tips

Check out our Essential Oil videos below!

Essential Oil Recipe Videos

Simply Earth Recipe Box Unboxing Videos

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