7 Tips To Relieve Sinus Pressure

It’s that time of year again, folk. Cold and flu season with nasty sinus pressure! Yuck.

This post has been sponsored by Pfizer Consumer Healthcare. All opinions are my own and were formed through personal use. Your results may vary.

Clay and I recently took a trip to Pigeon Forge to celebrate his sister’s birthday, something we’d had planned for awhile. While it was a fun ocassion, celebrating one of my best friends, it was also so hard to see all the devastation from the recent fires and to know that folks had lost their lives, their homes and livelihoods. I was heartbroken before we went. And it was heartbreaking to be there knowing all that, but honestly, the folks there are so strong and resilient. There was still a feeling of hope and even happiness in the air.

And it was really cool to go down there and meet a band that was from Lexington, Ky. Meeting PointSeven at Hard Rock Cafe was a highlight of our trip!

Being in the mountains, my allergies always act up. And it seems like when we go in the fall or winter, I always come home with a cold and horrific sinus pressure. My sinuses swell so much they touch. That is painful and makes it hard to breathe! I guess since I work from home, going around a large group of people makes me susceptible.

It’s not fun. I hate being sick and I always catch every cold that comes my way. Add that to my seasonal allergies and I’m miserable! Stuffy nose, sinus pressure and headaches are not fun. This year, I’m giving Advil® Cold & Sinus a try.

Advil® Cold & Sinus

It helps with:

  • headache
  • fever
  • sinus pressure
  • nasal congestion
  • minor body aches & pains

I usually suffer through a cold or allergies and that is just silly. There’s no reason I need to suffer when there are products that can help ease the symptoms. And poor Clay. Wow. You would think the world was coming to an end when he gets a cold. Everyone around him, ceases to exist when that man is sick. He just can’t seem to cope and gets pretty dramatic. 😀

So, we switched to Advil® Cold & Sinus to make our colds “a little less dramatic”. It can’t cure the cold but it sure can make it more bearable. I can ease the sinus pain and pressure in my head and breathe easier and the man can calm down and be “normal sick” and not so, you know “man sick”. (I love you honey!)

Advil® Cold & Sinus is for 12 and up so my 2 teens can also use it. Always follow package directions and take as directed. Follow your Dr.’s advice when using any product, especially if you’re taking other medications.

7 Tips To Relieve Sinus Pressure

Here are my 7 tips to help relieve sinus pressure:

  1. Advil® Cold & Sinus combines Advil® the number-one selling pain reliever – and a powerful nasal decongestant – the number-one selling pain reliever – and a powerful nasal decongestant to provide fast, powerful relief. Ask for it at the pharmacy counter!
  2. Neti Pot – once the sinus pressure is alleviated, use a Neti pot to flush out your sinuses and any mucus
  3. Rest – you need rest to help heal your body. If you have a cold, don’t push yourself too hard. REST!
  4. Drink plenty of fluids – getting plenty of fluids helps thin mucus and make it easier to blow your nose
  5. Steam – a hot, steamy shower helps open your sinuses
  6. Vapor bath – when my sinuses are causing trouble, a hot, steamy vapor bath makes me feel so much better. I have epsom salts with menthol and peppermint and it make my muscles feel better while also helping with the sinuses

And for sore or irritated throat, I always make up a bowl of honey with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon. We eat a teaspoon of that 2 – 3 times per day. Combine that with the ibuprofen in Advil® Cold & Sinus and it really helps.

So, my head and sinuses feel better. I’m not having the aches and pains I was. My heart is another matter. I’m still heartbroken for the people of Sevier County, Tennessee. I think most of you know just how much that area means to me. It’s our “safe place”. And last week, some of that feeling of safety was taken away. The fire was arson and to know that, with the winds they had, it could spread from 10 – 17,000 acres in days is terrifying.

Several of the cabins our family have stayed in are no longer there. The cabin Clay and I always stay in for our Anniversary is gone. Completely gone. The restaurant we always visit for our Anniversary is gone. Those things can be rebuilt, I know. But it’s still heartbreaking.  And the lives that were lost cannot be rebuilt. Those people are gone forever. As a wife, mom and traveler, I’m sad. I’m sorry this turned into such an emotional post. It just really affected me on so many levels.

So while I can’t, yet, mend my heart, I can at least relive the other cold and sinus symptoms that are plaguing me. That’s a start.

Let’s think about something fun, shall we?


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The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

2 thoughts on “7 Tips To Relieve Sinus Pressure”

  1. It is important to get enough rest and stay hydrated when you don’t feel great. If it persists for too many days, I would recommend seeing a doctor as what one thinks of as a cold or flu may be a sinus infection or upper respiratory infection. Great tips for managing symptoms, thanks for sharing!


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