Clay and I try to have date nights, at least, a few time per year. This year, though, that has looked a lot different. With a global pandemic, we have opted to not go inside restaurants or movie theaters.
Instead, we choose to do date night with a picnic, drive-thru meal in our vehicle or simply playing a game or watching movies at home. We have also rented lodging in our area and played games and watched movies there, just the 2 of us. It’s mostly just about enjoying time together, alone.
I recently teamed up with Crated With Love to check out one date night subscription box. It wasn’t exactly what I expected but it is a lot of fun!
In all honesty, I thought it would have snacks or a movie or something. I don’t think I really knew what to expect. I didn’t want to do too much research before receiving our date night box because I wanted it to be a surprise. And I was, pleasantly, surprised!

What we received was sort of a break out game. Think “Clue” where you have to solve a “who-dun-it” except it helps you bond and get to know each other. Our date night box came with a shark game (Into Hungry Waters), cute additions like necklaces, a plastic shark, a note pad, sticker and button.
When you sign up, there are a few themes you can choose from or you can choose to be surprised. This is a subscription box so you’ll get a new date night each month. You can also add Date Night Digital for an extra $5.
Comes with weekly extra date night and relationship-building content delivered right to your email.
What’s Included In The Digital Content:
– Bonus lessons on building strong relationships
– 12 bonus date night ideas every month
– New relationship-focused challenges every week
The actual date night box game includes challenges to help build your relationship, in a fun way. It’s not intrusive in any way. The questions are designed to help you get to know each other with fun challenges and questions based on the themes. It’s actually pretty fun to play. Clay and I learned some fun new things we didn’t know about each other and we’ve been married for 23 years!
With subscription boxes being so big in our lives, right now, this date night box is a great way to add some fun back into a world where a pandemic has slowed everything down and added challenges to going out.
Would you ever choose a date night subscription box? If so, what are some things you’d like to see included for a price tag of $29.99 – $39.99. The only other thing I would have added was maybe some snacks. Microwave popcorn or some candy or something would have been pretty cool. Otherwise, this is a pretty cool date night idea!
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