Disney’s Planes Father’s Day E-Card & Activity Pack

Father’s Day E-Card

Disclsosure: Info and printables provided by Walt Disney Studios and used with permission.

I have a cute #DisneyPlanes Father’s Day ecard and activity pack for you today.  To download the ecard, click the following download button. To download the activity pack, click the large “print & play” button below your ecard.

Disney’s PLANES releases in theaters everywhere on August 9th!

Father's Day E-Card


Click below to download your Disney’s PLANES activity pack.

Father's Day E-Card

“Like” Disney’s PLANES on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DisneyPlanes

“Follow” Disney’s PLANES on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DisneyPictures

Visit the website: www.disney.com/Planes

Do you have big plans to celebrate that dad in your life? What are some tips you have for celebrating?

I hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day!

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