Download These Printable 2021 Glasses Photo Props

Oh, y’all. This year has been tough. For everyone. We, the Martin Family, have self-isolated as much as humanly possible. It’s been hard for our kids, being away from their friends. They are doing virtual school. They haven’t been able to experience many, many milestones. We cancelled nearly all of our Holiday plans for this year, to keep our family members safe and haven’t seen them but a few times. We started a new travel blog at the beginning of the year but didn’t travel, so it’s on hold, just sort of sitting there. Clay was laid off for a 50 days. Payments were delayed but finally made. With all that, though, it’s not been nearly as hard as I know it has been for a lot of you all. My heart and prayers goes out to each and every one of you. I have some 2021 glasses photo props for you to print and enjoy.

I tried to make something a little festive to hopefully brighten your NYE and Day. We are NOT having a party! But we will print these fun photo props out, fire up the karaoke, set out a yummy Charcuterie board and some non-alcoholic sparkling cider and ring in the new year with our kids. Like we do every year. Just us. It will be festive and fun and safe.

I try to make a new set each year. I love having photo props for Instagram photos and parties. It adds so much fun and gets everyone in the festive mood!

2021 Printable Glasses Props Insta

Now for your 2021 printable glasses photo props.

Click the link below to download your free, Printable 2020 Glasses Photo Props. They are in PDF form so just save them to your computer, open and print them, preferably on card stock like this brand from Amazon (affiliate link).

Once they’re printed, cut out the stars in the center and wrap the tab around a straw, stick, skewer… something sturdy to use as a handle.

Make sure you also print out the 2020 Printable Photo Glasses for photo props to end 2020!

How was your 2020? Are you ok? If you need a shoulder during this diffcult time, leave us a comment, below, and tell us how your year has gone. We love to hear from you all!!!

Happy New Year and I hope you enjoy your Printable 2021 Glasses Photo Props!

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