Tips For Families Raising A Child With Cerebral Palsy

In the United States, approximately one in 323 children are diagnosed with a motor disability like Cerebral Palsy, according to CDC’s Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. Parents who have children with disabilities often face challenges that are unique to their child’s needs. And there are often sources of stress and conflict that can affect the functionality of the family and its members. Children with disabilities will need more care and support than the average child, and may sometimes require the same care well into adulthood. 

Research Is Key

Children with disabilities often have care that is specific to their condition. According to the CDC, Cerebral Palsy is the most common motor disorder in children, where about 50% are able to walk independently in the future. Parents should research and educate them and their family members on the care that is best suited to their children’s needs. Finding the right healthcare team that you can trust with your child’s care is essential for positive results. They must help to improve your child’s condition for current needs and the ones they will have in the future, and many therapies may include lifelong treatments. Some therapies may include speech therapy to improve their communication skills or motor therapy to train their muscles to better function and accomplish simple tasks. Consult a cerebral palsy site that offers plenty of information for families living with individuals with different needs to research what’s best for your child and access a network of families facing similar challenges.

Understanding Each Member’s Role And Support

Family members should involve themselves in caring for the family member with a disability, as it takes a team effort to provide additional support. The support can come from grandparents, brothers and sisters, or even close family friends. A combined effort among the family can help in reducing stress for everyone involved, and can create a more positive environment in raising a child with special needs. Tasks can be as simple as providing information they read or found online that can benefit the child, or recommending certain physicians or members of a healthcare team to find the ones they’re most comfortable with. Family members should also discuss what is expected in their roles to avoid conflict and misunderstanding that can be detrimental to the progress of the child’s development.

Raising a child with special needs comes with its own sets of challenges. However, with the right support and guidance, there is hope for the future. Their specific needs may be demanding at times, but these challenges can only strengthen the bonds and improve the family in coming together to overcome their difficulties.

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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