Start Your Personalized Nutrition Plan With A GenoPalate DNA Analysis

As many of you know, I follow the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating. I was curious to see if there was a way to know which foods my body “actually” needs. There is! I teamed up with GenoPalate and took their DNA test to develop my personalized nutrition plan.

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GenoPalate DNA Analysis

Click the button below to begin your GenoPalate DNA Analysis and create your own personalized nutrition plan!

Use code CINNAMONHOLLOW to save!

GenoPalate personalizes your nutrition & food based on your genetics.

My results actually fell in line with what I thought. My body thrives on healthy carbs like fruits and starchier vegetables like sweet potatoes. My results proved that.

It does NOT offer allergy testing but it CAN show if you may be sensitive to lactose, gluten, caffeine and alcohol based on your genetics.

Is The GenoPalate DNA Analysis Difficult To Use?

The GenoPalate DNA Analysis is super easy to take. You’ll receive a kit with everything you need to collect your sample. Then you send it in and wait for your results. Once you receive your results, you’ll learn the best foods for you based on your specific DNA.

The first page shows my individual recommended macronutrient intake. You can see my total carbohydrates should be between 57% – 65%. My protein should be between 19% – 25% and my total fats should be 23% – 31%. These percentages are based on my daily caloric intake.

GenoPalate Macronutrients

The next several pages show the recommended nutrients, foods, vitamins and any possible sensitivities based on my DNA. The nutrients page is broken down into the following categories:

  • Fats
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Minerals
  • Vitamins
  • Sensitivities
  • Substances (like metabolizing alcohol and caffeine)
GenoPalate Optimal Foods

For instance, I don’t appear to be sensitive to lactose. Good fruits for me to eat are avocados, persimmons and blackberries. And I need several vitamins (which I confirmed through blood testing with my Dr.) I feel it is pretty spot on for the recommendations of amounts I’d typically need in my daily intake.

I’m very low in Vitamin D and iron but never knew just how much I actually needed in a day. With this analysis, I can see how much of each individual vitamin I need for my daily intake.

(click images to enlarge)

On your results pages, you can click on the “learn more” links to get more info on each individual section. I love that it doesn’t just have the total fat but breaks it down into monounsaturated fatty acids and saturated fat as well.

GenoPalate also recently announced two new telenutrition programs, GenoJump and GenoGo. Both programs are 100% virtual, providing individualized nutrition information and guidance based on a customer’s DNA to help them reach their health goals. Within each program, customers partner with a registered dietitian in one-on-one sessions to create and optimize a personalized health plan based on their genetic insights.


GenoJump And GenoGo

Click the button below to check out GenoJump and GenoGo

I’ve taken DNA tests for ancestry but I’d never taken or heard of one that could test my nutritional needs. I was excited to see my results and can’t wait to really put it all to use! What about you? Would you consider a GenoPalate DNA Analysis?

The owners of Cinnamon Hollow and many of its authors are not doctors and this is in no way intended to be used as medical advice. We cannot be held responsible for your results. As with any product, service or supplement, use at your own risk. Always do your own research and consult with your personal physician before using.

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