Going Green – What It Means

So, you may be wondering, what does it means to go green? If you’re pondering upon this question, look no further than this article for answers.

The Definition Of Going Green

The definition of going green is defined by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Small Business as taking steps to “conserve energy, reduce pollution, and save money.”

Going green doesn’t have to mean that your life is going to be entirely flipped upside down. You can take baby steps like looking up shaving tips for zero waste or using alternate packaging. Try reducing your carbon footprint by doing things like cutting down on meat, recycling, using energy-efficient appliances, etc.

The Difference Between Going Green and Sustainability

Going green and sustainability are very similar things and nearly identical concepts.

The UCLA Sustainability Committee defines sustainability as:

“[Sustainability is] the physical development and institutional operating practices that meet the needs of present users without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, particularly concerning the use and waste of natural resources. Sustainable practices support ecological, human, and economic health and vitality. Sustainability presumes that resources are finite and should be used conservatively and wisely with a view to long-term priorities and consequences of how resources are used.”

Evidently, by definition above, going green and sustainability follow the same principles: being mindful of resource use, economic health, and supporting the environment.

To Go Green Or Not To Go Green

Things are not going well for the world regarding climate change. NASA’s data shows that “19 of the 20 warmest years have all occurred since 2001.”

Also, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), human activities are the primary cause of climate change and the warming of the planet.

Some Ways You Can Go Green

  • Take one less flight per year
  • Drive a hybrid vehicle
  • Bring your to-go boxes when dining out
  • Use reusable produce bags when grocery shopping
  • Bring your coffee cup to coffee shops
  • Grow your vegetables
  • Learn the ins and outs of recycling the proper way
  • Ditch bottled water and use a water filter
  • Join a trash pick-up group, which is a great way to meet people and get outside
  • Enroll in online bill-pay
  • Buy second-hand items instead of new, mass-produced items
  • Buy less stuff!
  • Have more sustainable coffee

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency explains, “Recycling is not the only solution – reducing and reusing waste will also help save money, energy and natural resources.”

Some of the benefits of going green include but are not limited to:

  • Reduce environmental pollution
  • Reduce energy costs
  • Conserve natural resources
  • Lead a healthier life
  • Impact change in the community
  • Reduce waste
  • Help the local economy

Hopefully, this article has given you the answer to the question, what does it mean to go green? and has provided you with enough information on going green, sustainability, and different ways you can go green. Remember, take small steps! It’s not as hard as it seems!

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