How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You? By Rachael Carman #LitfuseReads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You? by Rachael Carman as a member of Litfuse book tours. all opinions are strictly my own.

As a parent, I often struggle to get through to my kids. They vary in ages from 5 – 15 and what works now or even worked with one in the past, doesn’t necessarily work with any of them now. As a woman of the Christian faith, I often turn to prayer to ask God to help me be a better parent and a better follower of Him. But do I ever really listen for his answer? Do I even know how?

The book, How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You? By Rachael Carman helps with that. This is a delightful book filled with tips and inspiration to break through the chaos and actually listen for God’s voice in our lives. Just as we are parents to our children, He is Father to us. And there are times when He looks upon us and says the same things to us that we are saying to our own kids, as well as other things! “Listen to me!“, “Hear what I have to say to you!“, “Let me teach you“, “Let me In!“, “Lean on me!“.

But like our own kids with us, we might not hear him.

How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You? By Rachael CarmanAbout How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You?:

How Many Times Do I Have to Tell You? (Apologia Educational Ministries, September 2014)You‘ve probably said these things to your kids, but have youlistened to what you‘re saying?”I remember the day you were born.””Turn down the music!”

“This is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you.”

“Hold my hand.”

Your heavenly Father wants to tell you many of these same things. Rachael Carman knows how noisy it can be when you‘re raising children—she has seven! But this lovely devotional book will help you to hear God’s still, small voice amid the chaos of carpools, cut fingers, and carpet crawlers. You‘ll learn how to recognize God’s instructions for you, even as you seek to follow His example as a parent.

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My Thoughts About How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You?

I think How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You? By Rachael Carman is very well written. I love how Rachael Carman used personal stories form her own family in writing the book and setting up the lessons. I also love that it has a “moment of introspection”, or questions,  for us at the end of each section. We can use the story and the introspection to really take a look at our own lives and see how it fits for us.

How Many Times Do I Have To Tell You? By Rachael Carman

In one section her son Charles bakes a cake and uses a lot of substitutions, against the recipes instructions. The cake doesn’t turn out as planned. It goes on to explain that this is like the “recipe for life” that God has chosen for us. He does not want us to make substitutions to his rules for us. If we take the time to really listen to what He is saying to us, our life won’t turn into “one big kitchen mess.” It will turn out beautifully. We just have to have faith and put our trust into His recipe for us.

I also love that, while a teaching guide, this book is written in a light tone. Rachael Carman isn’t here to preach to us. She is not simply cramming bible versus down our throats. Instead, she is using real life experiences to teach us how to listen to God. Her techniques are simple and effective and for that, I am grateful. This book will remain by my desk as a go to for those moments when I may not be listening as I should.

About the author:

Author Rachael Carman
Rachael Carman is an author and speaker for Apologia Educational Ministries. The wife of Davis and the mother of seven children, Rachael challenges parents to live by reckless, obedient faith. As a direct reflection of her heart’s desire to encourage, inspire, and celebrate motherhood, Rachael also leads Real Refreshment Retreats, weekend events that energize and invigorate homeschooling mothers with meaningful worship and speakers plus practical encouragement for the homeschool journey.

Find Rachael online: website, Twitter, Facebook

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