How Whole House Humidifiers Can Improve Your Family’s Health

Dry winter air makes sleeping more difficult and can cause uncomfortable symptoms like chapped lips and skin. A whole-house humidifier can solve these problems by adding water vapor to your home’s ductwork.

Humidifiers can prevent common winter ailments and help you sleep better by loosening phlegm and reducing coughing and sneezing.

Reduces Symptoms of Allergies and Asthma

Humidifiers reintroduce moisture into the air, adding whole house humidifiers to your home can make the dry winter months much more comfortable by helping you maintain a healthy relative humidity of 40-60%. Humidity helps keep nasal passages moist and soothes irritated throats, a major benefit for allergy sufferers who struggle with sinus congestion and stuffed noses.

You can also find portable or console whole-house humidifiers that work by introducing water vapor into your home’s duct system. These humidifiers have built-in hygrometers to measure your indoor humidity, and they come with varying fan speeds for optimal performance. Console models also have a water-level indicator that will turn the unit off when it runs dry to prevent damage and avoid overheating. Many also have digital controls; you can even integrate your humidifier with smart-home management systems for added convenience.

Reduces Static Electricity

Aside from its annoying effects, static electricity can also damage electronics and cause them to short out. A whole-house humidifier adds water vapor to the air, decreasing static charge in your home.

The dry winter air often creates static charges that can shock you when you touch a doorknob or other objects. This occurs because the drier air causes your body to attract excess electrons. These electrons are then discharged when you touch an object or someone, giving you the painful zap you feel.

A whole house humidifier placed in your forced-air system (installed by Hoff Heating & AC) can prevent dry winter air and its associated problems by adding moisture. You can also increase humidity by rubbing a dryer sheet across your furniture or using indoor plants that release water, such as rubber plants, bamboo palms and peace lilies.

Keeps Your Skin Moist

Dry winter air wreaks havoc with skin, causing itchy, flaky patches. Humid air hydrates nasal passages, helps throats feel less scratchy and can help phlegm loosen so it can be coughed up more easily. It also reduces static electricity, which can cause clothes to stick together or damage delicate electronics, and keeps wooden furniture and floors from drying out and warping.

Whole house humidifiers work with your heating system to quickly and effectively add moisture into the air. They are very easy to use and require little maintenance compared to portable humidifiers, requiring frequent refilling and monitoring with a hygrometer. Additionally, humidified air is warmer and allows homeowners to lower their thermostat settings, which saves money on energy costs. Studies show that raising humidity levels in homes dramatically decreases the infectivity of airborne viruses, making it easier to prevent and treat respiratory infections. This makes it an excellent investment for keeping your family healthy this winter.

Helps You Sleep Better

Humidity is a huge factor in your ability to get a good night’s sleep. When the air is dry, it irritates your lungs and sinuses. This can cause you to wake up throughout the night and can make it difficult to fall asleep in the first place. Humidifiers help alleviate this problem by adding moisture to your home’s air, making breathing easier.

Humidifiers also help prevent cold, flu and allergy symptoms from getting worse. They also reduce snoring and make your throat feel less dry and scratchy. This leads to more restful sleep for you and your family members and a healthier body overall.

Another benefit of humidifiers is that they can save money on energy bills. Dry air makes your furnace work harder to keep you warm, causing it to run more frequently. Having the right humidity level in your home allows your system to run more efficiently, saving you money on your heating bills.

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