About Love in the Balance:
How’s a Girl to Choose?
My Thoughts:
You may remember me writing about the first story in this series, Sixty Acres And A Bride about Weston and Rosa. Love In The Balance is also about the Garner family, this time Bailey Garner and Molly Lovelace. This story sure does take you on some twists and turns. Just when you think Molly and Bailey are going to get together, the story does a complete 180 and you are left wondering where in the world these characters lives are headed!
Regina Jennings did a superb job of keeping us, the readers, on the edge of our seats. I had not idea what Edward had in mind for Molly, what Molly had in mind for herself or what Bailey had in mind. I do know that if this were Twilight (Edward/Jacob), I’d be Team Bailey all the way! In this case, forget Edward! 😀
Molly’s parent’s are hateful and rude and certainly push her to make the decisions that she does. I’m certainly glad I didn’t have to grow up with them as my parents or in the same time period. I can’t imagine having to submit to all the downgrading that Molly does. But I know that in the time that this story is set, women didn’t have much of a voice yet and were required to follow everything their father’s ordered before being passed off to a husband, even if it were a marriage of convenience.
Let’s hope Molly makes the right choices somewhere along the way!!!
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Meet Regina: