See This Fun Interactive Book Themed Christmas Advent Calendar #bvbtours

I absolutely adore a Christmas Advent calendar. There is something so fun about counting down the days until Christmas with a little goodie each day. Or even just simply counting down the days!

I’m excited to share with you all Beck Valley Book’s unique interactive Christmas Advent for booklovers!!  If you’re looking for gifts or treating yourself, dive right into the Advent Calendar full of fabulous books from so many amazing authors for Christmas Gifts or for you to enjoy, special offers too!

Here we go….
Hover over the dates and they will become alive with so many wonderful book choices and some offers!  Click on the blog post link in each date to be taken to the author’s own Christmas advent page where you will find out much more plus what makes Christmas special for them this year.

Interactive Book Themed Christmas Advent Calendar 

Hover over the advent calendar dates to find out which book is hidden behind…

Merry Christmas from all the Beck Valley Books  reviewing team xx
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