Have you ever been to a Luau Theme 3rd Birthday Party?
Our youngest daughter recently turned 3 years old. Because her birthday is in the warmer months, we wanted to do something outdoors and summery. So, we decided to hold a luau!
We had SO much fun! I went to the local Dollar Tree and found tons of Luau/Hawaii themed decorations and goodies for the kids. I wanted the kids to have something themed for their take home goodies so I put together little bags using plain brown paper lunch sacks and stickers I made on my printer.
Here is what I included inside:
We included the glow sticks because we decided to have a bonfire that night. Not only did the glow sticks give the kids some light in the dark, they also made for a perfect “Fire Dance”! The kids performed a night time luau fire dance for all the adults. It was too cute! The Dollar Tree had tons and tons of colorful decorations. We were on a SUPER limited budget. I mean, it’s not like we’re the US Money Reserve. We have 4 kids and not a lot of income, but since everything is only a $1 there, I was able to get quite a few things for the party. And they were all so colorful and cute!     I desperately wanted some tropical flowers in our yard but it just wasn’t in our budget. So I made some tissue paper Pom Poms to add some color and sort of a floral feel. It was my first time making them but I think they turned out pretty well. You can see the orange one hanging in the top center of the collage. They are super easy to make. i could do a tutorial if anyone is interested? Here are a few more that I made:         I made custom water bottle labels on my printer, to match the bubbles. I also wrapped colorful napkins and spoons in colored napkins. They added a nice, bright punch of color to the table. Speaking of the table, I had one with a grass skirt around it but it was so windy I didn’t get to take a photo of it fully decorated. You can see the empty table in the collage above though. OH! I also placed straws that have little umbrellas, palm trees and pineapples inside my Thirty-one Little Carry All Caddy’s (shameless plug). They worked perfectly! You can see those in the top right of the collage above. And of course, there were plenty of leis, grass skirt, coconut and she shell bras for the kids. The girls AND the boys had fun with those! lol I had several games planned but once we brought out the water balloons, all heck broke loose and that was the end of anything organized. EVERYONE got soaked! The kids declared war on every person in the vicinity. And the grownups took equal action. Hubby got revenge on our nephew when he bomb dropped a water balloon on the table outside. Only, being older and wiser, Hubby used a regular big balloon filled with water instead of the little water balloons and thoroughly drenched the kids! It was hilarious. And wet! For food we kept it fairly simple. Hubby grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and we had a variety chips. I made a watermelon boat and fruit kebabs as well as Caramel Apple Dip. I just realized I didn’t get a picture of the apple dip. OMG it is SO good! I will definitely have to share that recipe with you all! I also made Pineapple Punch. <—-recipe. It was delish. And, of course, there was birthday cake. The party was for our daughter and my Hubby’s dad. I’ve blurred their names for privacy. Needless to say, this little Luau Princess had a fantastic birthday and all the kids had a blast. I think it was the funnest birthday yet! Our other two daughters have a birthday in September and we are planning a bonfire/campout/pajama party theme. That should be equally fun! What is the funnest birthday theme you’ve ever had?