Your sleep pattern, energy levels, and other body functions change as you age. While it’s easy to associate these changes with aging, sometimes, they result from something more distinct–hormonal imbalance.
Hormonal imbalance occurs when your hormone levels are too high or too low. This condition is more common in men, most of whom aren’t familiar with the signs of hormonal imbalance. To ensure you aren’t part of such a category, we have highlighted some common signs of hormonal imbalance.
What Is a Hormonal Imbalance?
First, what are hormones?
Hormones are chemical messengers produced by the endocrine gland. They are carried through the blood steam to various organs and tissues in your body. Hormones regulate functions like:
- Heart rate
- Body temperature
- Overall growth and development
- Sleep cycles
- Appetite and metabolism
- Sexual and reproductive functions
- Mood and stress levels
A hormone imbalance happens when your body doesn’t produce the appropriate amount of hormones. In a nutshell, it is when your hormones are too high or little.
Hormone imbalance isn’t life-threatening like other severe medical conditions. However, individuals with hormone imbalance may experience symptoms that affect their health and quality of life.
Types of Hormonal Imbalance in Men
The male body comprises many hormones. However, testosterone is considered the most important and popular male hormone, together with others like cortisol, insulin, and thyroid hormones.
Too much or too little of these hormones may lead to any of the four main types of hormone imbalance in men:
1. Andropause: A drop in your testosterone levels can result in andropause, aka “male menopause.” Symptoms of andropause include low sex drive, hot flashes, loss of strength or muscle mass, depression, etc. Ensure you visit a men’s health clinic if you notice signs of andropause. The doctors in charge will review your situation and create a treatment plan based on your symptoms and needs.
2. Hypothyroidism: Hypothyroidism is another type of hormone imbalance resulting from an underactive thyroid gland. Common symptoms of hypothyroidism are fatigue, dry skin, weight gain, etc.
3. Hyperthyroidism: Hyperthyroidism is the opposite of hypothyroidism. While an underactive thyroid gland causes hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism is caused by an overactive thyroid gland, which can raise your metabolism, thereby leading to the production of high levels of thyroid hormone. Common hyperthyroidism symptoms are nervousness, heat sensitivity, muscle weakness, etc.
Common signs of hormone imbalance in men
Hormone symptoms are more prevalent in men than in women. But sadly, most men don’t know what hormone imbalance is, not to mention the signs of this condition.
Here are some common signs of hormone imbalance in men:
- Strange, prolonged fatigue
- Excessive sweating
- Anxiety, irritability, and depression
- Dry skin or skin rashes
- Changes in heat and cold sensitivity
- Changes in heart rate and blood pressure
- Fragile bones
- Headaches and difficulty sleeping
- Increased thirst and frequent urination
Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? If yes, ensure you contact your doctor to confirm if you have a hormone imbalance or not. Don’t just assume or brush off the symptoms. Call your doctor.
Noting the signs of hormone imbalance early is beneficial in getting prompt treatment that’ll prevent symptoms from escalating. If you are experiencing some symptoms and aren’t sure if it’s a result of hormone imbalance consult your doctor who will run tests for proper diagnosis.