Letters From Santa
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My kids love getting mail and they especially love getting official letters from Santa! They don’t necessarily believe in Santa Claus but they love the idea of getting mail and when it is personalized with their name, friends name and home town, it just make it a little more special and super fun.
If your kids have been great this year and you’d like to send them a little fun surprise, order your official letters from Santa by clicking on the banner below.
But you don’t have to just order a Santa letter for your kid son the nice list, you can also order official naughty letters from Santa as a fun gift for your friends who may be on this years “naughty list.  You can even add a chunk of coal! I have a few friends on the naughty list this year so I think this will be a fun package to send them. 😀
Do you ever get your kids Letters from Santa? If so, what do they think and do you have a favorite place to send them from?
What has been your childs best Christmas gift?