Disclosure: I received complimentary samples of Plum Deluxe Tea to facilitate my review. All opinions are my own and/or those of family members participating in this review. Your  results may vary.
I am a tea drinker. I drink tons of water but I also love to have a glass of cold iced sweet tea with my supper and when I’m feeling poorly, a mug of hot herbal tea usually does the trick in making me feel better. My teenage son is also a tea drinker. He has a mug of hot herbal tea each morning to start his day. It wakes him up but also relaxes him so he can focus during school. He just loves warm tea.
Awhile back I told you about a monthly subscription coffee club and I had some friends ask if I knew of one specifically for teas. At the time I didn’t but lo’ and behold it wasn’t more than a couple of days when I learned about Plum Deluxe and their tea of the month club! For those not into subscriptions, they also rotate a selection of a la carte tea blends seasonally. But I want to talk a little about their tea of the month club, then I’ll tell you about the teas I personally tried out.
For the Plum Deluxe Tea Of The Month Club there are two subscription choices:
- $10/month for one tea billed quarterly)
» One oz of tea each month(1 blend, approx 15-20 cups)
 » Monthly sample of a 2nd extraordinary tea
»  Tea club member benefits (free shipping on teas & tea bags, 15% savings on tea accessories, monthly special partner discounts, and more)
» Access to private tea lover’s community
» Monthly tea pairings, recipes, & tip guides
- $16/month for two teas (billed quarterly)
» Two oz of tea each month(2 blends, approx 30-40 cups total)
» Monthly sample of a 3rd extraordinary tea
» Tea club member benefits (free shipping on teas & tea bags, 15% savings on tea accessories, monthly special partner discounts, and more)
» Access to private tea lover’s community
 » Monthly tea pairings, recipes, & tip guides
To get new blends, he comes up with an idea of something that sounds good, and then tests along with some helpers and adjusts as needed. It is all really done “in-house” in their Portland, Oregon studio. The folks at Plum Deluxe use their taste buds to determine if a new blend makes the cut or not. All ingredients are purchased from USDA Organic & Fair Trade Certified vendors.
They have subscribers in about 34 of the 50 US states. So it’s pretty well known and loved. But how does it taste? Is it worth a monthly subscription fee? Well, in my opinion, yes it is. I received two varieties of Plum Deluxe teas. I received the March tea of the month club tea, Forest Berry Green Roobios Tea,  as well as their Self Care Blend Herbal Tea. I had asked to be surprised with the flavors and the self care blend was sent because it fits with our personal blog tagline of “products that make life a bit easier and a lot more fun”. I thought that it was really nice that the owner, Andy, took the time to check out our blog and send a tea that he thought would really fit us. To me, that shows the care and effort that he puts into his business and his teas.
Organic & fair trade blends that heal from the inside out – non-GMO, no harmful chemical flavorings, gluten free, vegan, sulfite-free.
The teas contain ingredients like green roobios tea, raspberry leaves, rose hips as well as things like honeybush tea, elderberries, apple pieces and even marigold. You can see the big pieces of dried fruits, flowers and tea leaves. And the smell…. oh my goodness… it is incredible! As soon as I opened the package I had a huge smile on my face. The teas I received have a definite fruity fragrance. The scent is so enticing. I just had to brew myself a mug as soon as I opened it. Most of the blends can be brewed at least twice. So you get two mugs of amazing tea from each tsp.!
The taste is incredible too. I didn’t add any sugar. The blends that Andy has come up with are delicious all on their own. Like the fruity fragrance, the varieties I received had a fruity taste too. To brew a mug, just add 1tsp to boiling water and steep. Each package tells you how long to let it steep for maximum flavor. They were both caffeine free but I found that I didn’t miss the caffeine. The tea was so refreshing yet relaxing at the same time. It’s amazing to me that I could feel awake and energized but so calm and relaxed at the same time. I mentioned to Andy that it was aromatherapy at it’s finest. And it truly is. I can’t pick a favorite between the two I tried because they are both incredibly good.
So, in my opinion, if you are a tea drinker. And if you love trying out new flavors and varieties of tea, then a monthly subscription is certainly well worth it.
Oh, and my son? He loved it! His favorite was the Forest Berry Green Rooibos. I could see him continuing to subscribe to the monthly club even as an adult.
If you want to try before you commit, you can purchase the Plum Deluxe Tea Tasting Flight for $4. You’ll receive two samples of the current varieties so you can see how good it is. You can choose between non-caffeinated, caffeinated or a mix of the two.
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