Yesterday, I told y’all about Portable North Pole and the Santa videos and calls your child can receive. There are several different styles of videos and calls and they can all be personalized with your childs name or nickname, family photos and personal text and events. It is all really fun. This year, they have added a new feature called PNP Reaction Recorder that allows your webcam to capture your childs reaction to their video from Santa!
Once you’ve gone through and personalized your video, it will appear in your PNP console/dashboard. There will be icons next to each of your creations that allow you to download, record their reactions, edit the video or delete it. You can see in the videos I made today, I’ve circled the PNP Reaction Recorder icon.

It is super easy to use. You just wait until your creation is made, gather the kids to watch and click the Reaction Recorder button to capture their delight in seeing Santa on their personalized video call!
I love how much personalization you can add to the videos. My favorite part, this year, was seeing, at the end of the video, if we made it onto the nice list. We did! It lit up green so we’re good for this year. 😀

Make Christmas magic with Portable North Pole! – Safely share the magic of Christmas – and some extra cheer – with your loved ones! For a limited time, get a FREE personalized video message from Santa @PNPSanta @usfg