I am always on the lookout for great, new ways to monetize my websites. I like being able to earn a little extra money to help pay my website hosting, domain name renewal and simply help out with our homesteading needs, without charging a site fee to do so. The ways we find to monetize allow us to earn a little commission without asking you, our amazing readers, to pay anything. Your visits help us stay afloat and for that, we’re grateful! But what about you? Perhaps you’d also like to learn how to monetize your social media channels and/or blogs! I really like ShopHer Media.
ShopHer Media is an Influencer Marketing Agency. They work with both brands and influencers (that’s you and me), to showcase products and services. That’s what I do here at Cinnamon Hollow. They help connect me (the influencer) with the brands through campaigns that allow me to share on my blog or social media channels. You can do the same.
If you have a social media account (and who doesn’t these days?) and you have a decent following, you can potentially monetize that account and earn a little extra money. Some social channels do require you to have a business account to earn money, but some allow you to promote with your personal account.
We are always posting about things we’ve bought, right? You go to a store, buy an item you love, and then proceed to tell your friends and family about your great find. Same thing! Only, you get paid to do it.
Our Influencer Marketing division is a full-service, performance driven influencer marketing platform ideal for brands in search of an influencer marketing solution. Whether you’re on the hunt for new influencers or new to this media space, let our expert account managers help ensure your objectives are met.
ShopHer Media
Ok, if you’re a brand looking to connect with influencers to get the word out about your products and services, or if you’re a blogger, social media influencer or have a great online social media presence and are looking to earn a little money or promote great products, check out ShopHer Media and sign up!