Disclosure: I received a complimentary Skinvolve Starter Kit to facilitate my review. All opinions are strictly my own and were formed through personal testing of the product. Your results may vary.
I’ve started getting myself in shape again and I think I’m going to die. I’m just joking about that last part. It has been tough getting back into exercise but I’m holding up better than I thought. Even though I’m a fall girl, I think summer brings out the best in me in terms of getting my health in order. At least, it seems to be this year.
I’ve been craving salads and plain water like crazy. The thought of greasy, fried foods is turning me off. I’ve been wanting light, crisp, tasty dishes, smoothies and green juice, regularly, for lunch. Things that aren’t going to pack on the pounds or make me feel weighed down during the day. To really make a difference in the healthy eating, I’ve been trying to get back into exercise, like I mentioned above. But… I’m fat! Really. I’ve gained so much weight the last year. So I’ve been using products that will help me notice a difference and make me feel good in the process.
One thing I’ve been using before and after exercise is Skinvolve Body Boost Gel and Body Karate Cream which you get in the Skinvolve Starter Kit:($59.99 retail value). This kit includes a Body Boost Gel and Body Karate Cream, which work together to tone skin, fight cellulite, and hydrate. So, even though I’m not up to par and able to do a lot of heavy exercise, yet, my skin is looking better and feeling great and I’m toning the skin so the weight loss doesn’t leave me with flabby, loose skin.
This stuff is really cool too! Literally. When you apply the Body Boost Gel and Body Karate Cream your skin feels cool and tingly. The Body Boost Gel has menthol in it so you immediately get a cooling effect, which makes your skin feel awesome while you’re exercising. Or anytime for that matter. Skinvolve is also paraben free, sulfate free and cruelty free – and comes packed with ginseng, green tea, aloe vera, guarana, vitamins a, b, c, e, caffeine and argan oil.
The Body Boost Gel is green and very silky. It smells heavily of menthol, which I love. It rubs in pretty easily and makes my skin feel so good. It helps improve your skins elasticity. And if you saw the stretch marks my first pregnancy left me, (that won’t be happening 😀 ) you’d know that I need all the elasticity my skin can get! I don’t think I have any. I have really tight skin that scars easily.
When you’ve finished exercising and have had your shower, apply the Body Karate Cream. The Argan Oil in it works to moisturize your skin after cleansing but it also helps to improve skin texture and tone. It has Caffeine in it to help boost your circulation.
The Body Karate Cream has a nice, clean, lotion scent. It rubs in easily and also leave somewhat of a cooling feeling on the skin. I just have to say that it feels GREAT in the middle of a hormonal hot flash. It isn’t marketed for that and it may not do the same for you, but for me, that cooling feeling is great when I’m in the middle of night sweats. I’m just saying.
The starter kit is a great total package for keeping your skin looking good while you work out, get healthy and lose weight through healthy eating and exercise.
Each tube is 8 oz., approximately a one months supply.
I haven’t noticed a huge difference, yet, because I am just getting started again. But I have noticed that my skin on my upper legs doesn’t look as bumpy or lumpy as it did before. As I lose more inches and keep using the products together, I won’t get bumpier and lumpier. Instead, I’ll get smoother and toner. And that’s exactly what I’m wanting!
Wanna try Skinvolve for yourself?
I have a fab 15% discount for you! Use code: BLOGLUV15 at checkout to save!