Storage Solutions For Tiny Homes: Getting Creative With Space

Finding storage solutions in tiny homes can be somewhat of a challenge, but it’s not altogether impossible. Those living in smaller quarters often find they need to be more open to different ways of storing their belongings. This can mean turning their entire home into a storage unit and using the space to deliver decorative and unique solutions to some common problems.

If you’re short on space in your home, these tiny home storage solutions can be exactly what you need.

Self Storage

Self Storage is a great way to remove excess belongings from your home and keep them safe without having to part with them. Whether you have bulky seasonal items or essential purchases like extra furniture or appliances that you need but can’t keep at home, using a 24/7 storage unit means you can access what you want when you need it while freeing up valuable space within your home.

Hidden Storage

Hidden storage is a versatile solution that serves a dual purpose. It’s not just a seat or a bed; it’s also a clever space to store your belongings, making you feel resourceful and inventive.

This is space under seats or decorated stools, for example, that houses items, under bed storage, or in lift-up beds to place items under. It’s adding shelving to walls for decorative yet functional purposes and using curtains to help you make the presence of things you don’t want on display.

Vertical Creativity

When it comes to creative storage, think vertical, not just horizontal. By utilizing the entire height of your walls, the space just below ceilings, and those little gaps above doorways, you can open up a world of storage solutions. This approach can inspire you to see your home in a new, more efficient light.

Narrow Cabinets

Smaller homes are likely to have little gaps here and there that won’t quite fit normal-sized units but are otherwise dead spaces. This is where narrow units come into play, particularly those on wheels you can pull out to use when needed. You can use narrow storage units for things like cleaning supplies in kitchens and bathrooms and storing drinks, snacks, or spices. For example, you simply roll them out when needed and put them back away when you don’t.

Hang Hooks

If you don’t mind things being on display, hanging hooks can give you more storage options for things like coats, bags, hats, and even shoes. Hooks on the back of doors allow you to get hanging shoe storage so you can add your shoes or drops so they’re out of the way. Hooks on unused wall spaces behind doors can store coats or pet supplies, for example.

In bedrooms, hooks can elegantly display blankets, and wall hooks can turn sports equipment into a decorative feature. By turning storage into an art form, you can add a touch of style and inspiration to your home.

Just because you’re short on living space doesn’t mean you have no available storage options. You simply need to get creative with what you have to make your home work for you.

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