Summer Grilling With Kroger


Clay, the kids and I had a little #KrogerSummer fun recently when we used Kroger brand products to fuel some #familytime. As a member of BzzAgent I received a free “Summer Grilling With Kroger” campaign kit filled with coupons for free goodies and we put it all to good use. TWICE!

Kroger Foods #krogersummer #gotitfree

Kroger Foods #krogersummer #gotitfree

We planned a little much needed family time. It stormed.

stormy weather

But that didn’t stop us from grilling. Usually we just move the grill to the edge of the garage. But it was storming so we fired up the ole’ George Foreman instead. And because we were grilling Kroger Sliders, it worked like a charm.

Kroger Sliders

We grilled up our sliders, dressed them up on Kroger Slider buns and served them up with some Kroger chips.  The slider burgers were really good too. They are pre-pattied and take seasoning really well. The kids especially loved the size. They are larger than what you’d think and a tomato and onion slice fits perfectly on them.

Kroger Sliders Buns And Chips #krogersummer

Those chips are REALLY good! They are crunchy and really flavorful. They had bar-b-que, sour cream & onion, classic and wavy. They were so good that we decided to use them for the 4th of July cookout too so we bought some of every kind they had. Of course, it poured rain ALL DAY yesterday but this time we were able to move the grill to the edge of the garage, open the door and invite everyone inside. We just had our party in the house and garage instead of outside. And we did karaoke instead of any outdoor activities. It was all good. 😀

Kroger Big K Colas #krogersummer #gotitfree

We also bought several flavors of the Big K Cola too. We got Orange, Dr. K, Cola and Lemon Lime. They were just as good as the name brand. They seemed to go over really well with everyone. Especially the kids! I don’t  let them have soft drinks except on special occasions and the really like them.

Kroger Chips And Buns

The chips and the buns were also a money saver for the 4th of July. Kroger had both on their 10/$10 special so we saved a TON of money on buns and chips!

Over all, the party and our family night was a success. Rainy but fun and filled with great food!

How was your 4th of July?


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