The Modern All-American Vacation

Americans are spoiled by the breadth and variety of options they have when it comes to domestic vacations. Up to 74% of tourists will remain in the USA this year, according to a CNBC report, which means there’s going to be a little more congestion at the various hotspots that bring in the crowds each year. Regular domestic tourists might be looking for something a little different, then – and there’s never been a better time to re-assess what the All-American vacation looks like in the current year.

All-American Vacation
Photo by Lucas Gao on Unsplash

A trip to Texas

Many vacations take families to the mixture of urban and rural attractions that Texas has to offer. The state has wildly varying climate, and that gives a backdrop to lots of different types of tourism. That ranges from classic pursuits, like hunting on duck hunting land across the central and southern regions of the state, and all of the outdoors excitement that brings. However, Texas is as much about its wild areas and cowboy lifestyle as it is about the rich diversity of its urban areas. The UK’s Daily Telegraph highlights the quirkiness and authenticity that defines Austin, from the melting pot of eateries the city draws from its multi-ethnic background, through to the Italian renaissance that captures the classic history of Texas in buildings like the state capitol.

Modern park ventures

National parks are a wonderful feature of the USA, and see plenty of visits every year. US News highlights some of the most popular and well-renowned parks, such as Smokies, Yellowstone and Glacier, but what about the lesser-traveled locations? Alaska is one such place where its parks only see a trickle of interest. Gates of the Arctic and Lake Clark receive only 20,000 visitors per year between them, according to Reserve America, but are a great landing point for a modern vacation. That’s because their relatively untouched state brings together a real American experience with the opportunity to do something new, and experience the world in its most wild state.

Exploring the gaps

Travel mag Frommer’s suggests something different altogether – looking for where gaps appear. A good example of this would be in Tucson, not the first place that you would think to go for a vacation. However, in summer, the University of Arizona empties out for summer, and the city is left very hot, but very calm. Swept over with this new calm, the city is a wonderful place to visit for a relaxing and family-friendly time; the bars and restaurants of the city open up to become outdoors-focused and chilled venues, and the prices are low. For the modern family looking for relaxation rather than thrills, this is a great opportunity.

Even if you’re shirking those locations for something different, thinking about how an American vacation can be different for you is something to ponder on. The All-American vacation takes in different experiences to what it may once have done. That might still encompass old American values, but it could be something completely different too.

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