THM Skincare And Sweetener Sale!

Y’all, I just got the heads’s up, from Pearl of Trim Healthy Mama, that there will be a THM skincare and sweetener sale along with some blowout items tomorrow, August 18, 2020!

Trim Healthy Mama Sale Alert

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Here are the deets from Pearl Priscilla herself:

Sweetener and skin care sale tomorrow! Plus some blow out items. Fountain cream at a fantastic price… oh and we have not been able to put Gentle Sweet in a sale for a long time because we simply have not been able to keep enough stock to meet demand. I convinced our finance and inventory team to shove it in the sale tomorrow no matter what… because I know that’s what you guys would want. If we run out then we run out but I’m hoping we hold for the duration of the sale at least. Enjoy! (Oh… and John (you know him from the Poddy) told me to tell you not to expect the sale to go live at exactly midnight central time… we can’t be fully sure of what time it will go out but early hours of Tuesday morning sometime. If you are on the west coast you might catch it before you head to to bed tonight.

This is a GREAT time to stock up on THM Gentle Sweet and thm-sweeteners! I use the xylitol free version of Gentle Sweet since we have a dog. Xylitol is toxic to dogs so I prefer to not have it in the house, if possible. Otherwise, you can buy the regular version, although they taste exactly the same, to me. This is a powdered sweetener that performs amazingly in on-plan baked goods! I’ve tried substituting it in recipes that call for it, by using Pyure or Truvia ground in a coffee grinder and it’s just not the same. There is just something about Gentle Sweet that works so well in baked goods. (THM Baking Blend is another item I no longer substitute with homemade blends. Theirs truly outperforms the rest)

Their skincare is going to be on sale too. Another items I LOVE and personally use is the Orange Silk Hydrating Cream.

THM Skincare And Sweetener Sale!

I use it on my face, at night. Citrus oils can cause some photo-toxicity and I’m prone to sunburn easily anyway, so I use it only at night just to be safe. I’m pretty sure sweet orange isn’t phototoxic, but I like to err on the side of caution. So, I use it at night to cleanse my face using an oil cleanse method. Oh yeah, I also use their Spünj. It is made from konjac root (glucomannan) and is very gentle to the face. I purchased this combo.

Many ladies highly recommend The Fountain cream, as well. I want to try this because it has baobab in it. But, it also has rose and because I’m sensitive to florals, I haven’t convinced myself to give it a try. If you do, please let me know how you like it!

What do you plan to purchase at tomorrows sale? Are you looking to re-stock your sweeteners or maybe try some new skincare?

Trim Healthy Mama Store

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